chapter three

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A few nights later, a poker game night took place at the Navajo bunker. Caterina smugly smiled and laid out her cards as she had won against another competitor.

"Sorry, ladies. Two pair. Read them and weep." Girls were groaning and complaining while Caterina was over the moon with her win. "So that's it? No more takers?"

"I'll take a whack at it." Luna emerged from the back of the crowd. She wore sunglasses and was swinging a sock with coins inside, ready for the challenge.

Luna dumped the coins on the bed and Caterina shuffled the cards, both staring smugly at each other.

"Take a seat, Bishop." Caterina challenged.

Luna sat down and took her sunglasses off. "Deal me in."

They played for what felt like forever. With each round, they bet even more money. Both girls gave their friends a smug smile every time it was the other one's turn.

"Why don't we make a deal? To make things more interesting. Loser jumps into the lake after the game." Luna suggested.

Caterina smiled. "Excellent."

Luna smirked. "Butt naked." The crowd of girls giggled.

"Even more excellent." Caterina replied with a smile. "Start unzipping, Bishop. Straight in diamonds." She smirked.

Luna feigned defeat. "You're good, DeLuca." Luna looked down at her cards and back to Caterina, innocently smiling. "But.. you're just not good enough."

Caterina's eyes widened. "In your honor, a royal flush." Luna said, making all the girls giggle again.

The girls surrounded the lake's dock with dim flashlights, trying not to get caught by the Maeve duo. Caterina, who was completely naked, walked on the lake's dock, shivering due to how cold it was. Her clothes laid on a log just in front of the lake.

Caterina turned towards the giggling girls and saluted Luna, who smiled and saluted back. Caterina turned her back towards them again and rolled her eyes right before perfectly diving into the freezing lake.

As she turned around, the girls had ran away with all her clothes, only leaving her shoes behind. Her face reddened with anger and her teeth gritted together.

She swam out of the lake and sighed once she only saw her shoes on the log she had left all her clothes.

"Fine. If that's how you want it, then let the games begin." She talked to herself.

A few days later, Zola, Sofia and Luna were on their way back from basketball, ready to take a shower and enter their bunker.

"I swear I heard your evil clone sneezing all the way across the mess hall this morning." Sofia said, making Luna and Zola laugh.

"I'm so tired, I just want to go back to bed and sleep till lunch." Luna whined.

Zola's eyes widened once she looked at their bunker. "I don't think that's going to happen, babe."

Luna frowned. "Why not?"

Zola pointed towards their bunker. "That's why not." Sofia gasped and Luna widened her eyes.

"No way." Luna said, scoffing.

All their belongings had been put on the bunker's roof. Everything. Their beds, bedside tables, duffel bags and even Luna's stuffed animal (who was elegantly put on the top of the hand drawn United Kingdom's flag).

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