chapter eight

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if it isn't completely obvious by now, i don't speak italian that well (just the basics). if anyone would like to correct me plsss feel free to do so!

Caterina walked towards the pool area, suspiciously eyeing Charlotte from over her sunglasses. Charlotte was sitting on a lounge chair drinking a red beverage and Maya sat beside her, both smiling at each other as they talked.

Maya noticed her walking their way and smiled and waved at her daughter, "There's my girl. Honey, I want you to meet a friend of mine." She excitedly said. Maya pulled Caterina closer, giving her a side hug. "Luna, this is Charlotte Dearborn."

Charlotte slowly lifted her head as she took a sip of her drink, revealing her dark eyes and black hair. "Hi!"

Caterina gave her a fake smile and took off her glasses. "Hi, Charlotte Dearborn."

Charlotte smiled and put her drink down. "Wow, I can't believe I'm finally meeting the famous Luna. I have looked forward to this all summer." She exclaimed.

Caterina resisted the urge to arch her eyebrows. "Oh, wow. Really?" She gave Charlotte a small smile and slapped both her arms by her sides. "Well, here I am."

"Aw!" Charlotte gushed in a way that looked extremely fake, which did not go unnoticed by Caterina. "May, she's so adorable! When May talked about you I expected to meet a little girl, but you are so grown up!"

"I'll be twelve soon. How old are you?"

Charlotte and Maya giggled. Caterina was trying her hardest not to roll her eyes. "Twenty five."

"Only thirteen years older than me." Caterina smiled. "How old are you again, Mom?" She looked over at Maya, who let out a laugh.

"Wow, did summer camp spark an interest in math?" Maya got up. "Look, I'm gonna go inside to get more nachos, maybe a bottle of champagne to celebrate too."

Caterina frowned. "Celebrate what?"

Maya froze and Charlotte stepped in, "Your homecoming, of course!" She glanced at Maya, who thankfully smiled at the woman and left.

Charlotte's phone rang and Caterina took the opportunity to excuse herself, turning around and taking her shirt off, leaving her in her bathing suit. She sat by the side of the pool and dipped her feet in.

"Hello? Yes, Reverend Mosby! Yes, it's Charlotte here. Yes, I'll definitely ask her if she's available.. Yes, don't worry, I'm writing it all down." Caterina glanced at Charlotte as she talked on the phone and rolled her eyes once she saw the woman blatantly lie to whoever was on the other end of the call. She wasn't writing anything down. "Unfortunately, Ms. Bishop will be out of the country those days. Yes, absolutely, I'll be sure to mention it to her." She hung up and gave Caterina a fake smile. "So, how was camp, Luna? Was it fabulous?"

Caterina frowned her eyebrows. "Mom's going out of the country?"

Charlotte laughed uncomfortably, "No, Luna. I just had to tell a little white lie to get her out of something." She smiled and quickly changed the subject. "You know, I've never heard anyone talk about their child the way that May talks about you. You two are obviously very close."

Caterina stood up and looked back smiling. "Yeah, we're closer than close. I'm all she has." She wryly smiled, turned back towards the pool and cannonballed, splashing water all over Charlotte.

Charlotte yelped. Her face started to redden as she took a towel and angrily patted herself dry as Caterina, who had a satisfied expression, emerged from the water. "Oh, no!" She faked. "I'm sorry, Char, did I get you wet?" Caterina arched an eyebrow.

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