chapter six

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"Girls, time to say your goodbyes. The buses are loading." Maeve's muffled voice due to the megaphone echoed throughout the camp. She took a deep breath and looked up, trying to prevent tears from falling as she hugged sadly a group of girls she had gotten close to.

In fact, sobs and frantic cries of promises of calling every day, writing to each other at least once a month and going back next year could be heard throughout the entire camp. No one was ready to say goodbye to the friends they had gotten so close to over the summer.

Amidst all the chaos, Luna and Caterina hugged each other as they sadly smiled. They had successfully completed part one of the plan and were wearing each other's clothes and carrying each other's bags.

"So, this is it." Luna said.

"So remember, you're going to find out how Mamma and Mom met."

"And you're going to find out why they broke up." They agreed.

"Caterina DeLuca, your car is here!" Maeve Junior yelled out. Luna sadly smiled at Caterina.

"That's you." Caterina said, "Here's your ticket and passport. Aunt Gabri will pick you up at the airport tomorrow morning."

"What time do you leave?" Luna asked.

"Not for a couple of hours. Give Mamma a kiss for me."

"And give Mom one for me." They smiled sadly at each other and tightly hugged once again.

"Caterina DeLuca. Front and center. Last call!" Maeve Junior yelled out once again as a car honked.

"Bye! Don't forget to lose your accent!" Luna joked as she ran towards Maeve. She awkwardly gave the older woman a hug and said goodbye, getting in the car.

Caterina crossed her fingers over her heart as she watched Luna drive away. "Good luck." She whispered and smiled at the direction the car had driven to, taking a deep breath.

Luna took a deep breath as she watched the city of London through the airplane's window. "This is it." She whispered to herself and tightly squeezed the armrests. "God, I hope she likes me. Please like me. Please."

Luna was lost. She had never been in a airport by herself so, as she entered the terminal with her bags, she desperately looked for the woman she had seen on all the pictures with Carina, Gabriella. Gabriella was supposed to pick her up but she was nowhere to be found.

Luna ran to one of the seats as her eyes roamed around the airport looking for Gabriella.

"Caterina!" Someone called out. Luna turned, finding Gabriella pushing her way through the crowd, angrily cursing in Italian with a small bouquet of flowers.

"Aunt Gabri!" Luna called out in her best british accent. She jumped down from the seat as Gabriella reached her, brightly smiling at her and pulling the young girl to a tight embrace. "Well, if it isn't my favorite niece! I missed you!"

Luna's smiled fluttered a bit. "I'm your only niece, Aunt Gabri. I missed you too." Luna noticed as Gabriella's smile dropped just a little.

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