chapter thirteen

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Carina furiously stormed down the hallway, somehow managing to not stumble given how much vodka she had drunk. "Luna Bishop!" She yelled out as she got closer to her hotel room.

Two doors opposite to each other opened and the twins stepped out, smiling at each other. Carina put a hand on her forehead as she stared at them and sighed. "Oddio, don't do this to me. I'm already seeing double."

Caterina smiled at her, "Ciao, Mamma. Sono io, Caterina!" Carina looked at her and smiled, her entire face lighting up as she quickly walked towards her daughter and gave her a hug.

"Ciao, bambina. Sei belíssima, bambina. Mi mancavi." Carina said as she looked at Caterina. She glanced at Luna and opened her arms, making her run right into them. She breathed out as she hugged her twins, "Le mie ragazze, ti voglio tanto bene. Non posso credere che stiate insieme." She looked at them with love in her eyes.

Luna giggled, "Mamma, I still can't speak Italian."

Carina laughed. "Right, sorry, yes. I said that I love you two so much! I can't believe you're together, this is incredible." Her smile dropped and she whined. "But how could you do this to me?"

Andy and Vic appeared from their room, Andy smiled at them and cleared her throat, "Excuse me, may I suggest we take this inside?" She pointed towards one of their rooms, and they all shuffled inside. "Hi, you probably don't remember us, we're-."

Carina interrupted them with a grin, "Vic and Andy! How could I ever forget?"

Vic smiled at Andy and said, "I knew I always liked her!"

The twins sat beside each other and waited for Carina to start talking, apprehensively looking at each other. "You," Carina pointed at Caterina, making her eyes widen. Carina shook her head and suspiciously glared at Luna, pointing at her, "I mean, you." She groaned and threw her head back in annoyance. "Anyway, one of you, I'm afraid I don't know which one at the moment, told me your mother knew I was arriving today. And I'm here to tell you that the woman I just saw in the elevator had absolutely no idea she and I were on the same planet, let alone on the same hotel."

The twins grimaced. "You saw Mom already?" Caterina asked. That wasn't a part of their plan.

"Yes, I did." Carina groaned and threw herself on the couch, placing her hand on her forehead. "She went completely ashen, like I was the Ghost of Christmas Past! Can one of you get something cold for my head, please?" Caterina stood up and ran towards the bar, throwing the first towel she could find in a bowl of ice. "I mean, I've gone through this scenario in my head so many times and not in a single one of them was I waving like a mindless idiot while Maya Bishop is wrapped around another woman's arms. Absolutely not." She groaned once again and Caterina handed her an iced towel. "Now, the thing I'd like to know now is why in the world would you two lie to me like that? I made a fool out of myself!"

Carina placed the towel on her forehead as Amelia and Gabriella, both wearing bikinis with their hairs tied up. Carina gasped and stood up, "Amelia, Gabriella! What are you doing?"

Amelia playfully her eyes, "Going to have fun, obviously. Let us know when you're sober again."

"Well, someone's ought to have fun." Carina muttered as she threw her head back on the couch and groaned once everything started to spin.

Andy and Vic were also leaving their rooms and came face to face with Amelia and Gabriella, widening their eyes. "Amelia! Gabri!" Vic exclaimed excitedly.

"Hi! It's been so long!" Amelia said as they all hugged each other.

"How have you two been doing? Let me tell you, Cat's a sneaky little one. She started speaking Italian to me the other day and laughed so hard when I didn't understand it." Vic complained as Gabriella threw her head back in laughter.

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