chapter nine

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"Alright, here's your breakfast." Andy handed Caterina a plate. "Eggs, sunnyside up. Bacon, side of toast.

"And I made huge chocolate chip pancakes!" Vic exclaimed and handed her another plate.

Caterina thankfully smiled, "Thanks, guys."

Andy sighed. "You're not hungry again?"

"You didn't eat my nachos yesterday, which is one of your favorite foods in the entire world, and now you don't want breakfast? Are you sick, Mini Bishop?" Vic asked as she put her hand on Caterina's forehead, checking her temperature.

Caterina giggled. "I'm fine, I promise. Where's Mom?"

Vic snorted. "She and Miss 'I'll-only-have-a-grapefruit-thank-you-and-treating-me-like-I'm-a-housewife left about an hour ago. You overslept." She rolled her eyes and shrugged as Caterina took a sip of her juice.

"I'd oversleep too if I were up until midnight making mysterious phone calls from my bathroom." Andy muttered.

Caterina's eyes widened and she slightly choked on her orange juice. "Oh, that!" She exclaimed, trying to come up with a convincing lie. "That was my friend, Mildred. I met her at camp. She's from New York."

Andy raised her eyebrow. "So you wanted to wait and call Mildred at a time that was convenient for her because of the time difference?"

"Exactly! Because of the time difference." Caterina smiled.

"So you waited until it was three in the morning her time? That makes perfect sense." Andy mocked.

Caterina's eyes widened slightly once again. "Actually, it was seven at night her time. You see, she lives in New York but she was on vacation with her family in Bora Bora."

"Smooth one, Mini Bishop." Vic said. "Also, your mom was to meet you at her office as soon as you're done with breakfast."

"She does?" Caterina excitedly asked as she shoved a piece of toast in her mouth. "Okay, I'm done! Thanks for the breakfast!" Caterina darted off and scooted around a very angry Sammy. "Man, that dog has gotten so weird." She casually laughed at Andy and Vic.

Caterina pushed the door, which didn't open. She started banging on it, making the two women frown and look at each other. "Pull, Luna." Andy said. Caterina pulled on the doorknob, laughing.

"Sorry, I forgot." She smiled at them and ran outside.

"I'm really glad you're here, Luna." Maya said as they walked together through the room they kept the wine barrels. "I gotta talk to you about something really important."

"That's funny because there's something really important I gotta talk to you about."

Maya gave her a surprised smile. "Alright, you go first."

"No, you."

Maya smiled. "Fine. I want to talk to you about Charlotte."

"And I want to talk to you about my other mother." Maya stopped in her tracks, "What about Charlotte?"

"What about your mother?" She worriedly asked.

Caterina rolled her eyes, "Mom, I'm almost twelve. How long do you expect me to buy that story that the stork dropped me on your doorstep?"

Maya sighed and threw her head back in frustration. "Come on, Luna, we've talked about your mother."

"No, we haven't. Not really." Caterina whined. "A girl needs more in life than half a crumpled old photograph. Mom, I'm almost a teenager. Face it, I need another parent."

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