chapter seventeen

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"Your passport, Miss DeLuca. Have a safe trip back home." The receptionist said as he handed Carina her passport, and she gave him a small smile.

Amelia and Gabriella walked over to her and Carina glanced at them, "All set, then? Where's Cat?"

"I just rung up, she's on her way down." Amelia gave her a small smile as Carina nodded and Gabriella pulled her friend away, leaving Carina by herself as she stood beside Maya.

"So, I'll send Luna back to you over Christmas." Maya said as she signed her hotel bill.

"And Caterina will spend Easter with you." She gave Maya a small smile. They both walked away from the counter once they heard the elevator door ding, knowing it was probably the girls.

Luna and Caterina stepped out, both in matching clothes as they sheepishly smiled at each other. They walked over to their parents, who frowned once they saw them.

"Cat, what are you wearing? We've got a plane to catch, bambina." Carina sighed.

Caterina smiled at her, "Here's the deal, Mamma. We thought it over and we decided we're being totally gypped." Maya frowned and looked at Carina, who was also frowning, "Mom promised we'd go on our camping trip."

"And we wanna go. Together." Luna added.

Maya arched an eyebrow, "What camping trip?"

"The one we go on every summer before school starts." Caterina replied.

Carina sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair, "Caterina, this is ridiculous. Go upstairs and put your clothes on."

Caterina raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure I'm Caterina?" She asked in an American accent.

Carina huffed, "Well, of course I'm sure."

"But it's kind of hard to be one hundred percent positive, isn't it?" Luna asked in a British accent as she smiled.

Maya let out a sigh, "Girls, this is totally unfunny. You're gonna make your mother miss her flight."

"Caterina!" Carina called out, her voice filled with annoyance.

"Yes?" Both girls replied, making her groan.

Maya crouched down to their level as she stared at each one of the twins, observing them. "This one's Luna. I'm positive." She said as she pointed at Caterina.

Caterina giggled, "You know, I hope you're right, Mom. Wouldn't want to send the wrong kid all the way back to England."

"Would you?" Luna asked with an raised eyebrow.

Maya sighed as she stood up again with a frown and the girls smiled happily at each other.

"Here's our proposition. We go back to Mom's house, pack our stuff, and the four of us leave on the camping trip." Luna said.

Carina's eyes widened, "The four of us? I hate camping trips!"

Caterina ignored her, "And when you bring us back, we'll tell you who's Luna and who's Caterina." She shrugged.

Carina rolled her eyes, "Or you do as we say, and I take one of you back with me to London, whether you like it or not."

Maya was loading all four sleeping bags into the back of the car while Charlotte watched her with raised eyebrows. "What am I supposed to do for three days? Sit home and knit?" She snapped.

Maya sighed, "Honey, it's a sticky situation."

Charlotte let out a huff, "Sticky situation? What do you mean by that?" She rolled her eyes as Carina walked out of the house, clearing her throat. Charlotte's head snapped in her direction and her eyes widened. "Excuse me? What's your ex doing here?"

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