chapter five

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"Tell me, what's mamma like?" Luna asked as they laid in bed next to each other.

"Well, she's a doctor. An OB/GYN."

Luna's eyes widened. "Really?"

Caterina nodded. "She's becoming quite famous, actually. A princess in Greece got pregnant and she asked mamma to fly over there once a month to make sure that she and her baby are both healthy."

"No way. Whoa." Luna said.

"Yeah. Mamma is pretty chill, she almost never gets mad but when she does, run. Aunt Gabri says it's the Italian in her, she can be very passionate when she yells. She's not mean or anything, far from it, but she blows up sometimes. She hates it when I lie, it's one of the things that sets her off. She's such a good cook and she's always there for me no matter what."

"She sounds incredible."

"She is. How's mom like?" Caterina asked.

Luna smiled. "She's amazing, she's the best mom ever, actually. She's stubborn and she plans absolutely everything, which can be annoying sometimes but it's always useful. We've never run out of snacks on roadtrips, for example. She used to be a firefighter but she got hurt pretty badly a little after I was born. She had to quit and we moved to California and we own a vineyard now. Oh, and she won a gold medal once!" Caterina eyes widened.

"You're joking?" She exclaimed.

Luna giggled. "No, she did! In the 2012 Olympics. It was for track."

"Whoa, that's insane."

"Yeah. Anyway, you know what's interesting? Neither one of our parents ever got married again. Has mom ever been close to getting remarried?"

"Never. She's had a few boyfriends, I think, but none were that serious. Oh, she dated a woman called Arizona for a couple months! But I overheard her talking to my aunt a few years ago and mamma said she was done with serious relationships. Haven't seen anyone since."

"Yeah. Mom's never come close either. She dated a guy named Jack for a while but he was so annoying." They both turned and stared at the ceiling. Luna gasped and got up. "I have a brilliant, beyond brilliant, idea. I'm serious, I am a total genius. You want to know what mom's like, right?"

Caterina nodded and also got up from the bed. "Right."

"And I'm dying to know Mamma, so what I'm thinking is... Don't freak out, alright? I think we should switch places!" Caterina's eyes widened. "When camp's over, I'll go back to London as you and you go back to California as me!"

"What?" Caterina exclaimed.

"Cat, we can pull this off. We're twins, aren't we?" Luna smiled.

"Luna, we're totally and completely, one hundred percent different."

"So? What's the problem? I'll teach you to be me and you teach me to be you. Look, I can do you already." Luna pulled her hair up. "Yes. You want to know the difference between us? I have class and you don't." Luna mockingly impersonated her sister. "Come on, Cat. I gotta meet my mamma." Luna clasped her hands together and pouted, begging Caterina to accept.

"The truth is, you know, if we switch, sooner or later they'll have to unswitch us." Caterina smiled at Luna.

"And when they do they'll have to meet again, face to face!"

"After all these years." They grinned at each other.

"Thank you. I told you I'm brilliant." Luna smugly smiled and they both giggled.

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