Chapter 2

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[Naryuki Plaza]

At the center of the plaza, there is a creature screaming at the top of its lung, the creature is big, 15 ft tall.

White skin tone, it was a 5 ft long neck with its hairless head, its hollow eyes were protruding a slimy liquid just like tears but gross, its lens is dull yellow, it has a mouth that looks small but when the creature open it, it was too big that it can reach its stomach.

Its body was like a spider however it is also not, just like how long a caterpillar's body is, that same goes for this creature.

It also has eight legs, adding to the fact that it has a snake tail which is unreasonable yet disturbing due to its appearance.

Its stomach is round just like it was pregnant

"~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Aah ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"

Once it opens its large mouth that can fit fifteen humans inside, a pale gray hand was pushed out of its mouth, once the figure forcefully spat out.

What it looked like was a headless large figure, it has purple skin and exaggerated muscles. The figure stands up before slamming its fist to the ground creating a fissure in its surroundings.

[Headless Body; Blemmyes: Void Rank B]


[Mother of Voids; Echidna: Void Rank A+]

However, the Echidna is not yet done.

Along with Blemmyes, Echidna reproduces more voids with different ranks and characteristics, a rabbit with a horn, a lamia, and a humanoid figure that could fly with its broken wings.

The Echidna let out 50 Types of Voids.


It is already 250 Voids as we've been fighting the Echidna for five minutes.

And we have another minute before it can spit out many voids.

So we have to kill the Echidna before it gives birth to another void.

As much as it looks so easy, it is not.

The Voids is protecting Echidna even if it cost their life.

And even if we reduce the number of voids, there will be another void that will come out of the echidna's mouth.

In short, we must kill the Echidna before the other voids that will be left behind.

"Cynthia make way for me! Jun do everything as much as you can to kill that I will disregard!"


"Understood, master."

Cynthia onee sama with her bow, release a large amount of mana, her arrow which looks so ordinary began to be filled with mana with wind started to get sucked by her arrow, which gives me a hard time to breath honestly.

"{Hurricane shot}!"

(Zero: honestly, I can't think of anything... If you have any Idea which would be the best name for this skill............ I'm not fucking good at naming...)

A horizontal hurricane was released along with Cynthia onee sama's arrow.

It hits lots of voids cleaning a straight line toward the Echidna.

We then started to run, the other guilds looked at us in awe but my master and I has no time for this.

There are already a lot of casualties, many large guilds already lost some members, and that too goes to us.

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