Chapter 26

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"I Shan't accept this blasphemy!"

I grumbled after seeing that my class was not the same as Lotte's.

"If you can't accept it, you should have gotten the highest score on the test enrolling here... Look, your rank is 434... What are you doing there?"

"I just found that answering the questions isn't interesting to answer, Lotte."

"Then you should rank up, at least get to the 150-200 ranks."

"... Mm. Still, this school is interesting, they made this so the other students can challenge others, It was like a survival of the fittest, albeit for children... We are still 13 but this looks abnormal."

"Well, that's Evony Academy for you, Those who graduate here can have a bright future, but if you got expelled here was like asking to live in hell."

" have to go."

"...just go, damn it."

"Don't find another girl okay? If a boy even touches you, even just a strand of your hair, tell me okay? I will cut their hands."

"Just go!"

Lotte paled along with the others who heard me, some snickered mocking me, and some found it amusing.

I for one, do not care, but if they do something to my lotte, I will make sure they will live in hell.

With that, I went to my class,  1-I, and each classroom contained 50 students, If a student raises their rank in the next semester,  they would be transferred to the other class,  and opposite; if a person their rank fell below.

I can confidently say that I regret what I did on the test.

If I perfected all of the answers,  wouldn't I be in the same class as Lotte?

I pouted in annoyance.

"Stupid system... "

I blame the dean,  for what happened to me.

I sighed heavily,  I really don't understand these people snickering.

Looking at me full of mockery, how about I snickered at them while looking down at their pitiful bloody state?

I can imagine it.

Those fearful eyes,  begging for mercy,  crying until a snot appeared in their nose.

"My~... "

Isn't that exciting?

I can't help but feel ecstatic to see people cry...


I want to annoy someone.

Really bad.

Maybe I will befriend one classmate to annoy them.

That will be perfect.

I won't be bored by that.

As I walked,  someone tried to trip me but instead of me slipping it was the person instead.

How can this person trip me when she is weaker than me, a hundredfold?

"Hey! "

I turned back and saw a girl who seemed like a rich person glaring at me.

"Oh my,  I did not know that you like to sit pitifully on the floor,  is this a new trend to gain sympathy? Might as well do that."

"You... Aren't you afraid to be expelled in this..."

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