Chapter 21

911 43 4

[Bkl 234, Greenhand St]

Goatelle Hotel, Presidential Suite top floor.


"Congratulations, your win is now guaranteed, the citizens greatly admired you! "

"Hehehe, perish the thought, Win is not guaranteed as long as I am not yet to become a president in this country. "

Four men with age differences, drinking such fine expensive alcohol; drunk at the same time as the person gave a humble yet not-so-response.

"The underworld will now finally be at your hand since the White Lily is gone, you can now go all out, no one will block our way. "

"And that wouldn't happen if you three did not accept my proposals. "

"hehe, only a foolish person won't accept such big benefits. "

They continue drinking, happily chatting to their heart's content.

Ferdinand Bren Cardigan who was already in his 60s enthusiastically drink alcohol not minding his health.

He places the glass on the table before opening his mouth.

"When I become a president, I will use money to buy the government itself, I will have authority in this country... I will make sure that the underworld will benefit greatly... "

"and we won't have to hide our business once you become the president Mr. Cardigan. "

"of course, and As I promise, your business, and own territory in this country will be yours, reigning the place you have wanted to take. And transporting some goods, anything that brings flourish to our business to another country will be handled well and no one will be able to do a thing. "

"If the white lily, who controls the underworld balance is still here, none of this will happen. It is a great time that such a disaster comes in and uses that to get rid of her and of course, the merit of killing that disaster becomes ours instead of that bitch. "

Said the brown-haired handsome man who was playing with the glass of alcohol then continue.

"it is a shame that she's gone and did not even have a taste of her. "

He sighed while the others chuckled, indeed if it weren't for the sudden appearance of a SS Rank Void: Atlas, it will give them a long time to get rid of Glynda.

"Yes, and we benefit a lot and take all the credit that the others put an effort to, and they have no choice but to keep quiet on it. "

"It's not like they have the will to do so. "

"Exactly. "

They all laugh and cheer for the success that they planned.

A moment later they soon get drunk and started gibbering some not-so-understandable words.

The brown-haired man soon stands up while being wobbly.

"Well, it was a great time, even though I don't want to go yet, I have to go home for my annoying wife will start to get suspicious. "

"When will you get rid of her? "

The other person who was slowly getting drowsy said unconsciously.

"Once I inherit her father's fortune, I will get rid of her silently, she is growing suspicious of the moves that I'm afraid I will be soon found out about. "

"... Then let me help you, it will be a clear mission. "

"hehe, then I will contact you tomorrow. "

"Goodbye, Sir Cardigan, Sir Browen, and lastly who is now asleep, Sir Cristian. "

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