Chapter 16

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I look in the mirror, the person was looking at me without expressing such emotion on her face.

Deep purple eyes that could pierce at someone's soul, it was too void that a person might fall for it.

Despite her innocent face what hiding inside of her is nothing but a corrupted soul, jailed at an unstoppable emotion that with a single leak, she will go berserk or suffer an incredible phenomenon.


I composed myself, this will be the first time.

The first time I'm going to confront master for real.

I did not expect I will be so attached to young miss, more than I thought it would be.

I readjust my hairband taking a second look at my maid uniform.

"I feel like- I am betraying the person who I called master... Is it okay to do this???"

I shake off my head, I look out the window and saw the purple night in the sky.

At this moment young miss is already asleep.

And at this time, I will also report this to the master.

"I must, this is for those two idiots parent and child..."

With that set in stone, I immediately went to the master.


-knock! Knock! Knock!

"Master, this is Jun and came with a report of 'today's young miss daily life with her lovable and adorable Maid.'"

"Come in."

I open the door and peeked at my master who was holding her forehead and sighed in resignment.

"Jun, when will you stop doing that?"

"I will only stop once my master gives me permission to take young miss-hand on marriage."

"Stop joking... That's not even funny."

"I apologize for my words which seem ridiculous."

".... I suddenly have the urge to lock my daughter..."

"But you can't do it master."

"I can."

"You can't even see her how will you lock young miss?"


"Anyways, here is the list of my young miss's daily cute, stupid, idiotic routine that will make you count your brain cells."

"Stop saying something like my daughter is a complete idiot."

" expected of her mother"

"By that, what do you mean?"

Master looked at me with a tick mark on her forehead.

I did not answer her instead started to report everything that happens to my young miss, once I was done, Master permit me to take a rest, however, I did the impossible for a slave to do so.

Master narrowed her eyes looking at me who was now at her side.

I did not look at her and we did not speak for at least a minute.

"Okay, what do you want Jun..."

"Was it necessary to do that?"

Master looks at me in confusion, her eyes were telling me to explain what I mean.

"To not see young miss... Master, it was already, 5 years since you met her..."

"....I don't want to talk about this thing, Jun."

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