Chapter 18

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Zero: Okay, I get it, why did I not update my stories for almost a month or something, well now I can be relieved, The pressure on college thanks to the thesis is now gone, Our last defense where Prof. IT came judged our website as a success! Aahh!!! There will be no stressful time, fucking thesis... Yeah, it's done now I am preparing for graduation. Anyways here's a chapter after a month(?)

" talk " - quotation mark
(thought) - parenthesis
*** - Change scene
* - skip
*POV* - Point of view
Flashback - bold

"Jun, there is something I want you to handle."

"yes, as your slave who is now a professional running errand, Jun hereby accept every word you would say, master."

"Good, Now then, where should I start..."

When I heard my master, I knew she was serious this time and had no time to play along with my tease.

"do you remember the three you saved in that mission? The one you failed because of a red hair woman?"


"Good, because I want you to handle them, you four will be separated in our 'business' I want you guys to form a name in society or the underworld, how you will do it is up to you four, and help us when it's needed, don't worry Cynthia teach them well, and you will be the one who will lead them."

"And I have no right to refuse right master?"

"Yup, your team is separated from my guild, in short, your group is an independent people, make a name, make it stronger."

I couldn't understand a thing, I tilt my head and look at my master who is wearing a serious expression.

"I don't understand the reason for this but master isn't this too much for a small adorable girl like me to handle? "

"I know, but you can do it, I know it. "

"that is too much of an expectation that you place on me, master. "

Master smiles at me with gentleness, I found it weird and felt that there was something wrong, however, before I could even utter a question, the sound of the door can be heard.

I turn back and saw Cynthia Onee san with the three cuties whom I saved intentionally or not.

"Nice timing Cynthia, ehem, Jun I bet you don't know their name despite you saved them, the black hair girl is called Nin, the silver-haired one is Min, and the boy is called Clark, and you three as you know her, this is Jun, Jun Pearl, you're boss or captain? Anyway, I bet Cynthia already told you what I talked to Jun, you four go find a place where you guys will talk. "

"Master, I don't want to be part of a harem. "

"the hell you talking about? "

Master said with irritation and puzzlement, I look at the boy again who was a few years older than me, he avoided my gaze as his head turn to the right with a sweat dropped on his cheek.

I don't want to be part of this man.

Look at those two cat girls sharing his shoulder like it was some kind of huggable pillow, it would be fine if it was a huge teddy bear but no! It was a boy!

"hmph, don't you dare touch me, thank you very much, now then, since I am your 'boss' please come, follow me. "

I bowed down at my master and to my Onee san as well, I look at the three for a few seconds and left the room and them following me.

Despite how I act, I will execute what my master gave to me, I still don't understand why she is doing this, There must be a reason, but I guess that question in my mind can be answered at the right time.

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