Chapter 23

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*Charlotte POV*


That was the last thing I said to Mama when she went from her mission.

It was a word that I don't mean at all but regret in the end.

I was waiting.

Waiting for her to go home.

Waiting for her to hug her and cry while apologizing.

I keep waiting and waiting.

Looking out the window hoping that I will see Mama's appearance.

She said that a week before the day of my birthday come she is already at home with a gift for me.

I don't need to celebrate my birthday,  what I need is my mama.

I want to say sorry for what I have said.

I want to say that I love her.

Hug her and selfishly say that she has to be with me for a month.

But that didn't happen.

Everything was too sudden.

What did I feel back then?

At the time of my birthday party was about to start.

I was already hoping that Mama will come.

(maybe she is just a bit late,  maybe she has to buy a gift for me. )

But none of that matters as long as she is here with me.


"Liar... "

Some people come on my birthday.

Talking to Ms. Lily while Jun is next beside her.

I saw their shock and pain.

Jun looked down and almost lost consciousness.

I saw her looking at me but at the same time isn't.

Lily started crying.

At their sight,  I couldn't help but also cry.

Something happens.

It was too heavy.

I hate this feeling.

What do those people give to them?

I hate it.

I don't like it!

Mama is still not here and they are destroying my birthday!

If Mama saw this she will be depressed...


That was my last thought after finding out their purpose for coming to my birthday.

And my birthday supposed to be a happy occasion turned into mourning for the loss.


"You Liar... Hicc... "

But what I hate the most is the words I said to her.

"I hate you! "

A word that I don't mean,  a word that will become my darkest nightmare.

Three words soon turn to regret.

"I hate... Myself... "

I locked myself in the room.

Not eating.

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