First Class Gone Wrong

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Giyuu hummed gently as he finished setting up for his first ever class. He had hundreds of swords on racks ready to be used. Half of them were made of wood and bamboo. At the front of the class, he had the blackboard out with the lesson for the day written out alongside his name. 

They still had around fifteen minutes until his class started so he was surprised to hear the door open. A first year walked in and took her seat at one of the front desks, shooting him an excited grin. It was a young girl with bushy hair and brilliant brown eyes.

He sent a nod back before speaking. "You're quite early miss...?" He trailed off.

"Granger. Hermione Granger sir! And I find punctuality a key aspect of life." His eyebrows shot up. Smart one? He hummed and set down the last of the training swords, seeing the girl watching curiously. 

"You may call me Professor Giyuu." He spoke softly. She nodded before glancing at the board.

"We're only going over safety today?" She asked curiously. He nodded.

"I wanted to start you all on something easy just incase. And this is very essential. I will not have a student take out another's eye or limb. Or worse, their life. Swords are extremely dangerous if not used properly."

She smiled again. "I'll make sure to take notes sir." He couldn't help but chuckle before students began to pour in and take seats. He frowned a bit as he saw Hermione still sitting alone, head lowered a bit with a few students laughing at her. He shot them a glare and they shut up. He checked out the class.

A mix of Gryffindors and Slytherins. Great. He didn't wait for the chatter to die down. Instead he clapped his hands loudly, glaring at those who ignored him.

"Anyone who continues to chatter away while I am trying to speak will loose fifteen points. Each." He yelled, making the room fall silent. "If you raise your hand, you may speak when I allow you to do so." 

He turned to the board, gesturing to the bold words. "We will be focusing on safety for the next week or until I see that each and every one of you is capable of not hurting yourself or others with one of the swords you will be provided." 

He saw a small hand shoot up in his peripheral view. He turned and nodded. "Yes Miss Granger?" He asked.

"Swords are going to be provided? Will we be allowed to keep them with us." He hummed.

"Good question. Not yet. I will allow certain students to keep their blades if they show that they are trustworthy." Hermione nodded and put her hand down. 

Another hand shot up. Giyuu glanced at the boy, seeing it was a cocky looking Slytherin with a disgusting amount of hair gel slicking is hair back. "Yes Mister...?"

He raised an eyebrow. The boy spoke in a pompous tone. "Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. And I suppose you'll allow me to keep my sword right away then?" 

Giyuu narrowed his eyes. "Now why would I do that Mister Malfoy?" He glared as the boy turned red. 

"Because I am a proud pureblood and heir to the Malfoy family." He puffed his chest out. Giyuu sighed. 

"That will not matter in this class." He started. "All I care about is seeing you improve in your skills. So no, Mister Malfoy, you will not be permitted to keep your blade anytime near now."

The boy glared. "So you're a mudblood sympathizer then? Or are you a mudblood?" The class gasped and Giyuu abruptly stood, eyes going dark. Draco winced, immediately regretting his words. 

"That will be thirty points for hate speech Mister Malfoy. And a week's worth of detention with me. I'm going to have to ask you to step outside for a moment as I finish this lesson."

Draco lowered his gaze a grumpily grabbed his things, leaving the room and standing outside with the door cracked so he could still listen to the lesson. Giyuu spoke of basic things, from how you were to never hold a sword and how to handle one. He let the class out early, much to Hermione's dismay and led Draco down the halls to the headmaster's office.

He spoke the password with a grimace. "Blood pops." The gargoyle defending the office slid to the side and they walked up the stairs swiftly, knocking on the door to the actual office. 

"Come in." Dumbledore yelled, thinking it was Minerva of Severus with a complaint about Potter. Instead, their newest professor walked into the room, all but dragging a first year pureblood into the room. 

His brows shot up as the boy sat with the professor standing behind him. "Giyuu? What seems to be the problem?" He asked curiously. Giyuu glared. 

"Please call the Slytherin head of house to this. I want Severus to hear what his student thought was appropriate to say in my class." Dumbledore nodded and whispered to Fawks. Minutes later, Severus entered the room. His eyes landed on the guilty looking Draco and he sighed, looking at the man he knew was a hardened warrior. 

"Was has Mister Malfoy done Giyuu?" He asked. Giyuu sighed.

"This student attempted to coerce me into giving him a sword on the first day, using his blood status. When that did no work, he decided to call me a mudblood." Both teachers inhaled sharply, Severus now glaring at Draco.

"You said what?! Have you lost your mind boy?!" Severus snapped. "This man is a brave warrior who came to help protect you all. He didn't give you a sword because they are dangerous!"

Draco looked down, unshed tears in his eyes. Giyuu softened as Severus stopped yelling. He calmed the man down and kneeled down to meet Draco's eyes, making the other two adults pause.

"Mister Malfoy please look at me." Giyuu's voice soothed. "I'm sorry I lost my temper with you but you need to understand that you cannot call someone that. Not just me, anyone in this school. I don't know who taught you that it was okay, but it most certainly is not." 

Severus stormed out of the room and Dumbledore smiled. 'You made a good choice Kagaya.'

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