Oh the Horror

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Giyuu's eyes drifted open to see a giant rocky cave with no large openings. He paled as he spotted dozens of women suspended within pink and purple flower style obi.

The faces of Suma and Makio stood out, the later being held tightly on the floor, blacked out. Steps drew his attention. A woman stepped into his line of vision, revealing clothing making him a little awkward.

She had black hair and green eyes, the kanji for Upper Six imprinted in her eye. She had a pleased look on her face as she grabbed his chin and forced him to look her in the eye.

"Now now.... what's a little hashira doing in a place like this? Hm?" She asked, genuinely curious. "Aren't you the one Akaza fought? For that I won't kill you. He wants to fight you again."

She continued to just talk, making Giyuu raise an eyebrow. She was acting like a teenager. He unconciously relaxed, being reminded of some of his students.

"Oh and I'm Daki by the way!" She exclaimed before peering at his face. Her eyes lit up. "How did you do your eyeliner? It looks good!"

He gave her a deadpan look and tried to mumble, the obi stopping him. Her face turned pink before his mouth was released.

"I have eyeliner in my pocket." He started. Her eyebrows shot up before an obi slid into his pocket and retrieved the item.

"Press it to the edge of your eyelid and make a small wing." She followed his instructions with a mirror. "Now connect it to the inner part of your eye. And fill it in."

She finished quickly and repeated the process on her other eye before humming happily. "Thanks!"

Giyuu nodded and they spent the time talking with each other, Giyuu telling her about his students at Hogwarts, leaving out magic and such.

It was honestly refreshing to see someone older than him have such a young mindset. He was actually enjoying himself.

Until a faint rumble was heard from the side. A stone slid to the side, revealing it had been a door and Akaza walked through. Daki pouted.

"What are you doing here? Go away!" She added grumpily. Akaza sighed.

"The master wants me to bring him the hashira." The feeling of dread grew in Giyuu's gut. He wasn't going to be at Hogwarts.

Daki grumbled but nodded. The obi on his arms tightened a bit and he was lifted to his feet.

"Let's go Giyuu." Akaza grunted as he guided the man to the large stone. He took a deep breath and stepped behind the stone, falling onto a platform, the door vanishing alongside Daki.

Giyuu was guided into an office room where he was forcibly sat down in a chair across from the desk. The chair opposite was empty.

Akaza left the room and suddenly the chair was filled by a man with wavy black hair and beautiful plum red eyes. Giyuu gulped at the blatant display of beauty.

Muzan looked him up and down. He tapped his fingers on the desk gently, a little smirk on his face.

"Eyes on my face, Hashira." Muzan snapped when Giyuu shifted his gaze to the side. Giyuu snapped his eyes back to the man to see him now standing right in front of him. He squeaked a little as his chin was gripped.


"You have fine eyes for a human little hashira." Muzan spoke, nearly nose to nose with Giyuu at this point. Giyuu gulped.

Muzan pulled away and dropped his hand from his chin, sitting in his chair again. The obi around Giyuu's arm dropped to the floor, turning to ash.

"Why am I here?" Giyuu mustered up the courage to ask.

"Are you joking? A hashira using a form of.... of magic. Against my uppermoon and nearly winning. I'm curious about you. What you could give to me..." Muzan trailed off, a far away look in his eye.

He stood and walked over to a picture, grabbing it gently. "You remind me of someone. A woman I met almost a thousand years ago. You're just as beautiful...." He mumbled the last part low and it missed Giyuu's ears.

'Odd.... what the hell is he going on about?' Giyuu wondered. His head tilted in wonder without him noticing.

Muzan chuckled. "You will be allowed to teach at that little school in Scotland. But you WILL stay here after teaching." Muzan purred as he settled in Giyuu's lap.

Giyuu shifted, very uncomfortable with his current position. "W-why are you in my lap?" He asked nervously.

Muzan laughed. "Isn't it obvious? You're mine now."

Giyuu whimpered. He was in pain. Muzan had done something to make sure he knew exactly who he now 'belonged' to.

His body throbbed in pain as Muzan fixed his shirt. "Dorry I took it so hard on you darling. But you better get used to this. After all, you've got such a beautiful body."

Muzan left the bedroom, leaving Giyuu a sobbing mess. None of his magic had saved him, it had only made it worse. Muzan seemed so attracted to the way he was able to throw him off of him for a split second. No amount of blasting spell had kept the man off of him for long. In the end, he had shut down and forced himself to stop moving.

He wanted to go home. He wanted Uzui, Makio, Hinatsuru and Suma. Fuck it hurt. He felt his body fall onto smooth sheets and blinked. His room at Hogwarts. How did he get there?

He couldnt think much more as his door burst open, a terrified looking Uzui running in and hugging him.


His vision fell dark, seeing the horror as Uzui assessed his bruised body.

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