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The rest of the school year went fast with most if not all seventh years heading out to Japan and joining the demon slayers.

Sixth years and fifth years were allowed to take their katanas home. Fourth years were allowed as well but with some restrictions. Bo third years were allowed to take metal swords, them and second years only getting bamboo katanas.

No first year kept their weapons except Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter. The tree had shown more control than most e of the older years. Ron Weasley was actually kicked out of the class by the end of the year.

He would not be allowed to return until third year if he showed more self control and respect.

The friends were sad to part but Draco promised to make his parents give the two a chance.

At the end of the year, teachers were very worried. The stone had nearly been stolen, only stopped by Tomioka's defences of thirty demons he'd captured and sealed into each trapped room.

There had been the remains of Quirell found scattered and one of the more peaceful demons recounted how the man had tried smashing the mirror to get the stone.

The demons were sent to Final Selection. Giyuu wondered what he'd do the entire summer. He decided to go ahead and turn some of his money into wizarding currency at Gringotts.

He walked through the doors, bowing slightly to the goblins who eyed him with interest. He talked to a clerk and exchanged the money, thanking them in the process.

The goblins gave him a wicked smile as he strode out the door, heading out to find a place to live. He knew he was nowhere near poor. With being paid as a teacher and a demon slayer, a hashira at that, he was very rich. Because he never spent any money if it wasn't needed.

He ended up buying a large mansion in a forested area with many animals constantly roaming. A few house elves lived in the house as well.

He set up as many rooms as possible, making them fit the style of the hashira in case they visited. Rengoku had gone back to Japan for the summer to spend time with his brother.

Giyuu hummed happily before he paused, feeling his hair stand up on it's ends. He got up swiftly, seeing a house elf pop next to him, a concerned look on her face.

He groaned gently, rubbing his head and sitting down. Black spots invaded his vision and he found himself floating in the same dark abyss as before.

He looked around, confused. His eyes landed on a young man with a long black beard, a snake coiled around his wrist as he walked elegantly to meet Giyuu.

Giyuu supposed this was Salazar Slytherin. He walked beside the man without saying anything.

"Giyuu Tomioka." Salazar spoke softly. "Quite the intriguing young mind. I do hope you're ready to receive my gift?" He asked.

Giyuu looked up. "Of course Salazar-San," He started. "But what is the gift?"

Salazar chuckled. "The gift of the voice," He spoke. "The gift to call all your magic into a spell no one but you and other speakers may understand."

Giyuu blinked before recalling Rowena's memories. "Parseltongue?"

"And parselmagic my boy." Salazar laughed. Giyuu smiled softly.

Salazar patted his head before he started to fade. "You might want to help out your house elves. They seem to be very worried."

Giyuu nodded before the darkness consumed him again and he woke up on his bed, a cold cloth wiping the sweat off of his face. He glanced to the side to see Douxie, a house elf, dip the rag in cold water again before wringing it out. He began to sit up and caught the house elf's attention.

The elf look very happy. "Master Giyuu! Are you alright?" He asked quickly, checking if he had a fever.

Giyuu chuckled and nodded. "It was just magical exhaustion. I was practicing for a little too long last night. I apologize for making you worry."

Douxie gave him a look and the rag hit the abck of his head. "Don't do that to Douxie again!" He pouted.

Giyuu laughed and nodded. He truly did love these little elves. He slipped out of bed and stretched. He glanced at the calendar and grinned. July thirty first.

Harry's birthday. He grabbed the present he'd gotten the boy and left the mansion. He made his way to Humber Four Privet Drive and knocked.

The door was opened by a woman with a very long neck. She glanced at him, not seeing anything unusual.

"What can I do for you?" She asked in a sickly sweet tone. He saw a man and his son join her from behind, but no Harry. He spotted the gleam of metal bars on a window and tried not to frown.

"I need to speak to Mister Potter please," He began. Their faces dropped. "It's nothing bad, I was merely hoping he had something I need. May I come in?"

Petunia eyed the man. He didn't seem like a wizard. Maybe the boy just had something a normal person would need. She nodded and opened the door wide, letting him step inside as she ran to fetch the child.

Dudley tugged on Giyuu's coat and Giyuu looked down. Dudley was looking at him in awe. "You have a really nice voice! And your bracelet is really pretty." Dudley mumbled.

Giyuu smiled and slipped the bracelet off, holding Dudley's wrist up and slipping it on him. Vernon smiled a bit before glaring at the man.

"Why do you need the freak?" Dudley flinched, although it was unseen by all but him.

Giyuu was glad he'd brought two sets of papers. He put the man under a dimple compulsion and watched the man sign everything before releasing him, papers tucked away gently.

Vernon flet a little queasy but didn't know why. He dropped the subject as his wife came down with Harry. Harry seemed very sad until he saw Giyuu.

Giyuu winked and smiled. "Ah thank you Ma'am. If you don't mind, may I also speak to your son? I nust want to give him an offer."

The two parents nodded without thinking and left the room to let them speak.

Harry hugged Giyuu tightly. "Professor! You came for me!"

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