Ending off another year

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Giyuu helped Hermione onto the couch in his chambers. She was still healing and the rowdy Gryffindors were not helping at all. So he'd offered for her to stay with him until the end of the year. Uzui was waiting for him at the manor, the girls taking a mission.

He was just helping Hermione get ready so she could spend some time with them all. He helped her slip her shoes on before leading her to the floo. She stepped into it and stepped out in the living room.

Uzui grinned as he waved, Giyuu stepping in a moment later and hugging him. Hermione smiled as she heard Harry and Dudley come running, having been taken home early.

The two ran in, Harry tugging on her arm. "Mione! C'mon! We got the games up and running before we go play quidditch!" The trio giggled as they ran out, Hermione limping a bit, leaning on Dudley for support.

Giyuu smiled at the sight before Uzui hugged him from behind, laying a light kiss on the side of his neck. He hummed and leaned back.

"How are you feeling love?" Uzui whispered.

"Mmmm. I'm doing good." Giyuu mumbled back with a little smile. Uzui smiled as he gently took off his hair band. He set it on the table and let his hair down, moving both of them to lay down on the couch.

Giyuu cuddled into him happily. "I missed you." He spoke up. Uzui grinned.

"I know!" He chirped. He was promptly kicked off the couch by an annoyed Giyuu. He laughed and got up.

"I'm just kidding doll! I missed you too." He chuckled as they resumed their comfortable position.

Giyuu hummed as he closed his eyes. Then they opened wide. "Please tell me you did not go into the shed."

Uzui looked at him oddly, sitting up. "The shed? Why would I go in there?" Giyuu sighed with relief.

"I forgot to tell you. Chamber of secrets was opened." Uzui choked.

"What the hell?!" He yelled.

"And I may or may not gave taken the supposed monster of slytherin home. Don't worry she's really nice!" He reasoned, seeing absolute bewilderment in Uzui's eyes.

"You took a dangerous magical beast home?" He deadpanned. Giyuu nodded. "Tamed it?" He nodded again. "Of fucking course you did. Only you would. What magical beast is it anyways?" He sighed.

"..." Giyuu mumbles, actually managing to miss Uzui's ears.

"What?" He asked in confusion.

"...it's a thousand year old fifty foot long basilisk." Giyuu admitted, not bothering to sugarcoat it.

Uzui just stared before laying down. "Nope. You can keep it, but on one condition." Giyuu looked at him, amused.

"And that is?"

"We get to terrify Obanai by bringing the basilisk with us to the next meeting." Giyuu burst out laughing.

"We are definitely doing that!" He laughed. Uzui smiled at the sight.

"I can imagine his face when she slithers out of like a shadow behind me!" Giyuu wheezed.

Uzui snorted. "Can I meet her?" He asked. Giyuu nodded.

"Just let me tell her to close her first set of eyelids so she doesn't hurt you." He complied. Uzui nodded and they got up, heading outside.

Giyuu stepped into the giant shed, closing it behind him.

"Morgana?" He called out. The snake slithered up to him.

"Yes master?" The snake spoke softly.

"I have someone I want you to meet. He is not a speaker and I want you to close your first set of eyelids to make sure he doesn't die." Giyuu requested.

The nodded hissed softly without meaning, a slight sheen teeling him she had followed his request and had closed the first set of eyelids.

"You can come in now Tengen!" He called out. The door opened and Uzui stepped in, closing it behind him. His eyes were glittering in awe, the beautiful animal sitting in a regal position.

It's head lowered and their eyes met, fuchsia on amethyst purple. Uzui slowly raised a hand and stroked the head of the beast, hands running along the thick magic resistant scales.

He snake bit the back of his shirt and lifter him up, setting him next to her master with a satisfied hiss. Uzui smiled.

"She's beautiful. What's her name?" Uzui asked.

"Morgana. It seems she approves."

"Smells like Master. Is this Master's mate?" Morgana asked.

Giyuu smiled widely. "Yes this is my mate. Do you approve of him?"

"He seems trustworthy. But if he ever hurts you, I will not hesitate to bite into his flesh and spread my poison." The snake finsihed. Giyuu smiled and placed his forehead on the snake's snout, a hand petting the scales.

"Thank you my friend." Uzui glanced at him.

"Does she approve?" He asked, fingers twirling.

Giyuu chuckled. "Yes but if you ever hurt me she said she would kill you. Painfully at that." Uzui chuckled nervously, eyeing the teeth.

"While I would never hurt you, the threat is appreciated." He looked Morgana in the eyes. "I swear to you I will take care of him."

The snake's eyes closed as she leaned into his outstretched palm. Her body relaxed and she slid back into the darkness to take a nap.

Giyuu smiled as Uzui. "See? She's not going to hurt someone without valid reason."

Uzui chuckled and nodded. "I know I know."

The sounds of kids cheering made them peek outside, Dudley, Hermione and Harry were all on broomsticks playing quidditch.

"Say who do you think will be the new DADA Professor now that I got rid of the fraud peacock?" Giyuu asked in amusement.

"Hopefully someone who will actually teach the kids what they deserve to know." Uzui responded.

"Maybe they'll let Severus finally try."

"Doubtful. Dumbledore's kind of an asshole." Uzui responded, getting a snort from Giyuu.

"Ain't that the truth."

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