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Giyuu was tired. Daki was a demon, meaning she never slept and had been keeping him awake for days now.

He sighed and tried to block her voice out. It was starting to get a little annoying being forced to wear her clothes, they were a bit too small and tight.

The window slid open and Daki dropped to her knees, Muzan sitting on the windowsill. He just tried to go right back to sleep, ignoring Muzan entirely.

Muzan chuckled. "It seems you forgot he's human. He needs sleep you know Daki."

Daki's face flushed in embarrassment as she remembered how she kept waking him, wondering why he slept.


"I'll be taking him back to that school of his. He doesn't seem to be to happy here."

Giyuu grumbled as he was picked up, moving away from Muzan. When he felt his stomach drop and heard the Biwa, he opened his eyes.

"Giyuu!" He was looking at Uzui and Rengoku in confusion before Muzan's grip tightened.

Oh right. Muzan. Muzan was holding him. He was stiff, eyes begging Muzan not to hurt them.

The demon sighed and tossed Giyuu to them, vanishing in a blur. Yzui held on tight, sobbing. Giyuu was too tired to fo anything but cuddle into him and sleep.

He'd awake in his own bed this time, wearing something soft and comfortable. He yawned and nuzzled Uzui in the morning, forgetting how he had gotten there.

Uzui was holding him tight, making him wince a little. "U-uzui?" He mumbled.

Uzui's head shot up. "GIYUU!"

He hugged him tightly, crying and kissing the side of his face. Giyuu couldn't hold the giggled as it tickled, hugging Uzui back.

"I'm home love...." he whispered.

Uzui looked up. "What the hell did Muzan do this time?" He asked in a panic.

Giyuu sweatdropped. "Left me with an uppermoon who seemed to not understand that humans need sleep. I dont know where he went, just stayed in that room for the last few days."

Uzui stopped crying at last. "He didn't hurt you again?" He asked quietly.

Giyuu shook his head softly. "Not this time love." He held him close as Rengoku stood in the doorway, relief on his face. Giyuu opened his arms to him and Rengoku sped over, jumping into the hug happily.

Giyuu snuggled into them before slowly sitting up, cracking his back. "How are the kids? Harry? Dudley? Hermione?"

Uzui sighed. "Worried. I just told everyone you had a mission so they weren't suspicious."

Giyuu exhaled in relief. "Thank you."

Uzui nodded before getting up. "Should we go set up for class? You slept through all of yesterday and class starts in less than an hour."

Giyuu rubbed an eye and nodded, getting up. He took a quick shower, changed and they all went to the classroom.

As usual, Hermione was using the weights in the other room with the rest of the quidditch team. He didn't understand the sport still but was happy she liked it.

They waved at him as Giyuu read the numbers on the bell bars. Hermione had at least a ton on each side. He choked. His current best was seven hundred on each side.

Uzui let out a low whistle. "I think she'd work best with Gyomei."

Rengoku nimbly nodded. He could hardly manage five hundred on each side. He just rubbed his eyes and slowly walked away, getting ready to start writing out lesson plans.

Giyuu grinned as Uzui made his way to Hermione to speak about meeting Gyomei for the first time. He sent her an approving smile. He sent a quick message to the other Professors, telling them of her absence.

The two left for the floo, Hermione looking excited. Giyuu and Rengoku smiled as they finsihed up some plans.

Class started and Giyuu walked between the rows of kids trying the first form. He smiled lightly, seeing the understanding in their eyes as they attempted to get it right. They were fast learners, ablento understand how things worked with ease.

Giyuu felt pride bloom in his chest until a letter attached to his crow came in the mail. It was from the master.

He sat back and began to read it, letting the class out early as usual. He opened the letter with Rengoku at his side, head resting on his shoulder.

'Dear Giyuu,

It has been quite a while since the last time we spoke my child. I know how much you love it over there but we're having issues down in Japan. I'm very sorry to even think about asking this, but will you please return? Permanently?

If you do return, do not worry as someone else who already retired many years ago will come teach in your stead.

Once again, I am very sorry as I know how much you love to teach these children.

On the bright side, your student Hermione has taken an apprenticeship under Gyomei. You may also take Harry and Dudley home with you as I know you've adopted them and consider them your blood.

Please do consider this and I hope to speak to you soon.

With Love, Kagaya Ubuyashiki.'

Giyuu stared. He folded the letter silently, wondering what to do. Rengoku was hugging him tightly but he couldn't respond.

It was from the master. He was asking Giyuu to leave everything behind. He bit his lip. He couldn't do that to the kids could he? Draco only really liked him out of all the teachers!

He would hate a new one. And the Weasleys. How would the twins start that joke shop without help?

Tears pooled in his eyes. He couldn't say no. If times really were that desperate the he would have to go.

He stood abruptly and walked out of the room, going into two separate classes and grabbing Dudley and Harry.

He left his resignation letter with a sad Dumbledore.

"Must you go?" Giyuu sighed but nodded, grip on his kids shoulders getting tighter.

"Well then you must at least leave Harry, he's out chosen one." Harry flinched. Giyuu ignored Dumbledore and guided his kids to the floo.

"Goodbye Headmaster."

Rengoku nodded at him as he joined his side, his own resignation letter now in Minerva's hands.

"Bye. Maybe one day we'll be back for you all." He mumbled as they each took the floo.

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