Here we go again

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Giyuu happily let the kids settle into the new class for the first time. His first class had ended up being first years again. He was all too happy to help them in both swordsmanship and their homework for other classes.

Everyone else was happy to have him back after the events of last year, seeing as he was open about what had happened inside the chamber when he had saved Ginny.

Surprisingly, Ron Decided to take his class again. He was a little wary but let the boy. He was pleased to note that all of his siblings had forced him to do it as a way to apologize for his first year.

As expected, it was a disaster. Seeing as he didnt have the class last year, he was put with the second years who were training.

"Mr.Weasley please calm yourself." Giyuu instructed as Ron swung at the dummy.

"Oh shut up you old bat!" Ron snapped.

Giyuu sighed as Ginny slapped her brother on the head. "Chill the fuck out big bro. He's telling you to calm down because you're shaking. You're gonna cut yourself."

Giyuu smiled at her and patted her head. "Thank you Miss Weasley." She grinned back at him before going back to training.

He smiled, watching her strike down a few dummies before directing Ron. The boy just grumbled and refused to follow orders. Giyuu was about to cry from pure frustration when the door opened. The class turned as a mildly annoyed Uzui walked in, stalking right up to Ron.

"That's it you little brat. I've heard you disrespecting Giyuu for the past hour now so you're out. You were given one chance this year and it was your last. You'll be the only student to never learn how to use a sword at Hogwarts."

"Hah?! I bet I'm already better than you!"

The class froze. Giyuu chuckled and threw a sword to Uzui. He caught it and looked Ron dead in the eyes. "Draw your blade and strike."

Ron visibly paused. "What?"

"If you're better than someone who trained their entire lifetime fighting demons, then prove it."

Ron started to back away but Dudley pushed him forward. "Don't tell me you're a coward Ron? You just insulted my dad. So draw your sword."

Ron gulped and reached for his blade. His fingers touched the handle as he was thrown back, beaten by the sheer speed of the hashira. He flew back onto the floor, unconscious.

Uzui huffed and rolled his eyes. "Granger could do that in her sleep." He grumbled before ruffling Dudley's hair.

"I'll take the brat to Poppy. You head up to go get him removed from the class again." Giyuu nodded.

The class was dismissed and Giyuu was quick to remove the boy, seeing Minerva scowl in disappointment. The teachers were all displeased at the boy's actions once again.

Giyuu retired to bed early, not bothering with dinner. He was tired, and he wanted to be around his loves. Uzui and Rengoku were at the dinner but the wives were all sitting in the bed when he got back.

They just smiled and made room for him as he sleepily took his shoes off and crawled into the bed. He kissed them on the cheek and snuggled up the the closest one, Hinatsuru.

She smiled and cuddled him back, the others joining in. Giyuu reached out for her hand and held it close to him, making her smile become soft.

An hour later, theybwere joined by both Uzui and Rengoku, who had brought food for Giyuu.

"M'not hungry. Lemme sleep." He whined. Uzui attempted to get him to eat again and was promptly told to sleep on the couch. He whined and got into the bed again.

"I'm sorry okay?"

"Shut up and let me sleep damn it." Giyuu grumbled. He snuggled into Duma this time, who happily began to play with his hair.

Uzui pouted but held Makio close as Rengoku slept peacefully on the other side of him. He glanced at the bed in wonder.

'How the hell is this holding all of us?'

He shrugged it off and fell asleep, soon cuddling everyone close to him.

The morning came swiftly with Giyuu being forced to pry himself out of several grips and taking a fast shower. He hummed happily as he felt hands gently rinse his hair. He turned his gaze and smiled at the innocent looking Rengoku.

He let the man play with his hair for a while before stepping out, feeling very refreshed. The other four were still sleeping so he quietly left after drying his hair and made it to breakfast as he hadn't eaten last night.

He was the first one there, getting some coffee and deciding to go out for a quick run. His feet carried him around the lake and into the forest to see the sun gently streaming through the thick branches above.

He kept jogging until he cleared the forest, saying hello and goodmorning to Hagrid at one point.

He looped around the entire school at least four to five times as the sun began to rise higher over his head, the waves of sunlight making him feel refreshed. He looped around the lake once more to say hello to the squid before starting to walk back inside.

A sharp tug at his gut made him grip his sword. He was out there alone. The wind seemed to pick up as an unsettling feeling loomed over him.

His gaze was flying all over until the ground under him opened up, dropping him into a familiar area. He paled and tried to run back outside, seeing Uzui running to him.

The door slammed in his face, sending  him back. He drew his blade and began to try and sense the things around him, fear spiking.

A dark chuckle echoed through the area as bis sword was ripped from his hands, Muzan standing on a platform above him.

"Welcome back... Giyuu."

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