Their new home

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Giyuu held out papers to the two boys. Harry looked confused as to why Dudley was there.

"Why did you want to talk to Dudley?" Harry asked. Dudley looked at the floor and Giyuu sighed.

"Dudley your parents can't see or hear you. Go ahead now." He spoke gently, knowing what the boy wanted to do.

Dudley pulled Harry into a hug and mumbled many apologies. "I'm sorry Harry. I was an asshole."

Harry's eyes went wide and he grinned, hugging back. "I knew you weren't all that bad after all Dudley." Harry mumbled.

Giyuu smiled at the scene before crouching down. "I already made your father sign the contracts. There's nothing he can do once you sign them."

Harry paused and looked it over before his eyes flew wide. "You want to make yourself our legal guardian?" He asked.

Giyuu nodded. "I do want that. I don't like these people. Think of this as your birthday gift Harry."

Harry grinned and signed it a little sloppily, Dudley doing the same. He couldnt stay here. Without an outlet of his father's anger, the abuse would turn to him either way. It was the only reason he treated Harry so bad. So he wouldn't get hurt.

Giyuu immediately sent the papers to the ministry and muggle government, placing a compulsion on the second one so it would go through much faster.

He cackled slightly and summoned a house elf to collect their belongings. He grinned heavily as he walked into the living room again, a hand on each boy's shoulder.

The parents seemed confused as he attempted to walk out the door with them. "Where the bloody hell do you think you're going with our son?" Vernon asked, reaching for his shotgun. Dudley paled before Giyuu grabbed his wand.

He held it up in a silent threat. "I've taken custody of these two. You will be placed under arrest soon for child abuse and neglect. Good day."

He proceeded to transport them all via apparition. He landed in the front lawn, seeing the two boys kneel over and hurl. He turned pink and helped them up, rubbing their backs.

"Sorry I forgot to warn you about that. I didn't want any trouble so I transported us to our home." Harry looked up.

"Home?" His eyes flew wide at the large mansion. Dudley mirrored his look with one of excitement.

"You live here?" He asked in a single breath.

Giyuu laughed. "So do you now." Dudley cheered and got up, dragging Harry behind him as they ran to the home.

Giyuu laughed as he pushed the doors open. The boys ran down the halls, seeing name plates on the door of each room.

Two door that had been untouched suddenly gained new name plates.

'Dudley Tomioka'

'Harry Potter Tomioka'

They grinned, not even caring about the name changes and pushed their doors open. The rooms fit their deepest desires.

Harry's was simple, a large bed pushed against the wall with much room for Hedwig to fly around in and litt fairy light strung up. There was room for him to add personal touches. Spread out were owl perches and food and water bowls.

Giyuu released Hedwig from her cage and she flew into the room, landing on a high perch happily.

Dudley's room was also simple. A medium sized bed was tucked away in the corner, a tv and gaming system against the wall with many games surrounding it and a few workout machines to help him loose some of the unhealthy weight he'd acquired from years of a terrible diet.

They both hugged Giyuu, who smiled fondly. He may not know Dudley all that well but underneath that shell of his, he was truly a sweetheart.

Giyuu made his way to the kitchen as the boys checked out the games Giyuu had bought and checked with the eleven who were decorating Harry's birthday cake.

He had a few gifts, some big and some small. Giyuu arranged them with the help of Vendel, another house elf. He placed the cake on the table and dinner around it. It was a roast with potatoes and carrots around it, the heavenly aroma seeming to pull thr boys to the kitchen.

Harry nearly cried at the sight and hugged Giyuu as hard as he could, getting a laugh out of the child.

Giyuu let him open the presents, him getting a new broom, his own snitch, a new katana and scabbard, and finally something that had taken months to get.

The painting of his parents.

It wasn't activated yet but Harry began to sob, hugging him and repeating his thanks over and over again.

Giyuu just smiled and activated the painting. Two set of eyes opened, only a swirling brown and the other an Avada Kedavra green.

They seemed confused until their eyes fell upon their son, recognizing him within seconds. Lily Potter began to cry. James Potter looked overjoyed.

"Harry? Harry honey is that you?" Lily asked through her sobs. Harry nodded and moved closer. Giyuu backed away and led Dudley out of the room, letting Harry have his time with his parents.

Dudley looked amazed. "Was that.... my uncle and aunt?" He asked slowly.

Giyuu nodded. "Their portraits were in Gringotts, a wizarding bank. I convinced the goblins to let me take it as a gift for Harry when I showed them the papers that would make me his guardian either way."

Dudley nodded slowly. He looked up. "Can I have a pet?" He asked slowly.

Giyuu thought about it. "So long as you learn how to take care of it."

Dudley grinned. "Can it be a cat? A little black one?"

Giyuu chuckled. "Of course Dudley."

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