A trade

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Hermione looked at her unconscious teacher's face. She was a bit shaken, not having expected her teacher's voice to all but project itself into every mind in Hogwarts.

She found it a little hard to believe she was in Japan right now but as she gazed around, she could see the major cultural differences.

The door slid open and the one they all referred to as 'The Master', walked in. She quickly bowed as per the sigh of respect here as he spoke up.

"Hello child. I'm guessing you're one of the Hogwarts students?" He asked softly. She nodded before remembering he was blind.

"Yes sir." She spoke softly. He smiled and took a seat next to her teacher's bed, patting the seat next to him. She hesitantly slipped into it and looked at her teacher.

"He will be alright my child. What's your name?" The master asked her.

She looked up. "Hermione Granger sir." Her smiled widely.

"Ah yes. I've heard many praises for you. One of the smartest and hardest working students he has! It will be a pleasure to have you." Her face turned pink and she looked away just in time to see her teacher's eyes open.

She jumped up. "He's awake!" She called into the hall, hearing rapid footsteps heading for the door. She moved just in time to miss the butterfly woman all but running to her teacher's side.

She was checking him over and asking questions. He seemed confused as to where he was at and when his eyes fell on Hermione he perked up.

"Miss Granger? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class?" He scolded.

She blinked before she slapped him on the back of the head. "YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT ME GOING TO CLASS AND NOT YOU IN THE ICU?! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND PROFESSOR?!"

His eyes widened comically as he was scolded thoroughly by his favorite student. He glanced at Shinobu to see her stifling her giggles. His face turned pink as he saw his master as well, looking very amused.

He looked down as his cheeks flared a further red. Their master laughed as Hermione finally stopped. "Looks like you need to be more careful, Giyuu."

He nodded quickly. "I will." He squeaked. Hermione nodded. Giyuu glanced at Shinobu. "How long was I out?" He asked.

She blinked. "Two days." She answered and he grimaced. That meant it was Tuesday.

Tuesday meant that he missed days of class and-

The feeling of being glared at made him pause. Hermione was giving him a very annoyed look.

"Professor. Please focus." He gulped and nodded. He turned his attention back to Shinobu who sighed.

"You can leave by tomorrow. I don't know how, but all your wounds are healing at immaculate rates. Also, why the hell were you holding a random stick when you came in?" She asked, eyebrows furrowed.

His eyes widened. Stick? His wand. Shit. He managed to climb out of the bed and Hermione helped him hobble down the little path to Shinobu's office.

His eyes landed on the wand on her desk and he snatched it, feeling instant relief. He slid it into his pocket and Hermione sighed.

"No one here knows about magic huh?" She asked softly. He shook his head.

He spotted a head of bright blonde with red tips heading at him. He sighed and waved for Hermione to go inside.

"Head to the floo and tell the headmaster I'll be home tonight before dinner please." He spoke softly. 

She nodded and ran off as Giyuu sat on the bench, the flame hasira taking the seat next to him a moment later.

Giyuu sighed. "I'm guessing you want the full truth." He spoke softly.

Rengoku nodded. "How did you do that? The.... the magic......?"

Giyuu chuckled. "Oh Rengoku. Ever heard of witches and wizards?" He asked jokingly.

The man froze at what was being implied. "You're a....." Rengoku gazed at him in shock.

Giyuu nodded. "Yeah. How are your wounds?" He asked, glancing at the heavy bandages.

Rengoku sighed. "I jinxed myself. I can't return to demon slaying." Giyuu snorted.

"Damn." He mumbled. Then he perked up. "I guess that means you'll be joining me with my students then?" He asked as Rengoku looked at him like a lost puppy.

"Really? Even with my injuries?" Giyuu laughed.

"I teach young witches and wizards, Kyo." Rengoku's eyes widened and he began to bounce around.

"You'll let me help? Will you? Will you? Please?" He asked quickly.

Giyuu laughed. "You don't have to ask. I trust you."

Rengoku smiled as they got up, ready to go and find the master. They spotted him a few yards away, holding his hand up. A small robin sat on his finger, chirping happily.

Giyuu settled next to him, his head bowed. "Hello Master." He spoke softly, making sure the bird didn't fly off.

The master tilted his head. "Hello Giyuu. Have you spoken to Rengoku?"

Giyuu nodded before speaking. "Yes I have. He wants to help teach at Hogwarts. I think Uzui should be returning for missions, correct?"

The master nodded. "Yes, him and his wives are return in ng in the morning. I think you and Rengoku should be off."

Giyuu looked down sadly but sighed and stood. "Goodbye Master."

He signaled for Rengoku to follow and showed him how to use a floo system. He went through first to give a demonstration before Regnoku stepped into his living quarters only moments later.

Uzui and his wives had already packed their bags, looking up as they entered. No words were said as Hermione stepped through as well.

He placed his hand on her shoulder and started to walk her out. She walked into the great hall followed by him and Rengoku a second later.

Many students eyed the two's now scarred bodies with slight fear and apprehension. What the hell had broken their teacher's defences?

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