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Giyuu sat at the dinner table silently, ignoring Minerva's questions about his wounds. He knew which one she was talking about mainly; a rigid scar that now lay across his cheek in the same manner as Sabito's.

It had come from the uppermoon grazing his face with his bare fist. He just ate his food, feeling Rengoku's mild unease.

Many seemed to understand that based on the lack of Uzui, this man had replaced him for some reason. Some guessed because Uzui could fight while this man was sporting a fresh missing eye.

As dinner finished, a new type of food appeared on the table. Sakura Mochi. Giyuu glanced at the headmaster as kids began to try it.

"I wanted to start throwing in some foreign deserts." Dumbledore grinned.

The door suddenly slammed open as Quirell came screaming.

"TROLL! TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS!" The man fainted directly after that. Giyuu and Rengoku were the first to react, grabbing their katanas as kids began to push table to the doors to block them.

Teachers rushed out, hearing another table block the door behind them. Everyone split up to find the troll. Something nagged at Giyuu and he ran to the hall his living quarters were in.

He paled, seeing Hermione pressed against the wall, sword clutched in her hands with three trolls around her.

The trolls sported fresh shallow cuts and one was missing an arm, blood spilling onto the floor. Someone was trying to get out of the loving quarters but a fallen pillar was stopping them.

Giyuu rushed at them and sliced on head clean off, ducking under the swing of a giant club. H sliced the hand off of another, Hermione getting the had at long last.

He was impressed. The skin on the neck was much thicker than expected but she'd still cut it. He let her get the last one as the other teachers rounded the corner, having heard the roars of pure rage and agony.

They watched as Hermione's blade slid through the neck like butter. She rolled a bit as she hit the floor, scrambling out of the fall range of the great beast.

She was panting and her heart was racing. Giyuu ignored that, trying to use magic to life the large pillar in front of the painting door to his home.

He managed to slide it back into it's original spot as the door slammed open. A rushed Uzui and Makio stood there, kunai in hand.

"Is everyone okay? We couldn't get the damn door open!" Makio yelled before spotting the troll bodies.

Dumbledore was at Giyuu's side, helping stabilize the pillar, seeing cracks forming on the hard stone.

Giyuu called on his newfound magic and forced it into the stone, feeling the castle react and start fixing the cracks itself.

Rengoku sighed in relief, clutching his side slightly. Running had agitated his injuries. He coughed into his hand, seen only by a concerned Snape. Snape limped slightly, having gone the wrong way. But it had saved the stone from being found.

Hermione spotted Snape's leg and gasped, taking a roll of bandages out and rushing to him. She spotted the blood growing on Rengoku's side as well and made the two sit down as she treated them.

Rengoku tried to wave her off but she insisted. He sighed andet her change the bandage on his stomach where his organs had nearly popped.

He sighed as Minerva looked on in horror. "A demon..... can do this much?" She whispered, horrified as she understood what had caused the fresh scar on the young teacher.

Giyuu grunted as the pillar's cracks finally sealed. He released his hold and turned to Rengoku. "You okay? You might've popped a stitch."

He nodded. "Miss Granger was it? Already cleared me."

Giyuu nodded before sitting next to Severus, pulling his wand out and trying to mend the flesh.

They watched as the flesh reconnected like mesh, a few wincing and looking away. Severus sighed happily at the lack of pain.

Giyuu bandaged the lat of it just in case before letting Severus stand. They all looked at the bodies of the trolls before Giyuu spoke.

"I believe we owe you at least thirty points for this Miss Granger. Killing a troll at your age is quite the feat." He praised gently, seeing her beam at him.

"And another ten for helping your injured teachers." Severus threw in, surprising them.

Giyuu smiled at the development. He waved his wand and the bodies lifted off the floor gently. "Tell Filch he doesn't have to clean this. We'll get it in a little bit."

Dumbledore nodded as the troll bodies were shrinks and placed inside a disposable bag. They'd all be obliterated later.

Severus surprised them again by waving his wand and making the blood vanish. He gave them a small nod before helping Hermione herself. Giyuu saw what he was staring at and frowned a bit.

She'd twisted her ankle when she had fallen. He sighed and took her from Severus, making his way to the infirmary.

The other teachers searched the castle again just in case before releasing students to their dorms. Hermione stayed in his quarters as he wanted to make sure she was alright and Pomfery was about to be busy with flu season.

Hermione let her ankle heal on it's own. Giyuu's magic hovered around the entire room. It soothed her sore ankle and she slept in the extra bedroom that a house elf had prepared for her.

Word had already spread throughout the school about what she'd defeated. How she managed to actually get points from Snape.

They were stunned when she walked into the great hall the next day. She had a small cast on her ankle but was walking on her own, taking a seat between her two best friends.

"Hermione!" Harry cheered, trying to hug her and moving her out of Draco's reach.

"Mine!" Draco yelled back, hugging Hermione. He pouted before they all burst into giggles.

Giyuu watched with satisfaction, seeing his students be happy.

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