Morgana meets the Hashira

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Giyuu grunted as he lifted two trunks onto the train, Hermione easily lifting her own without magic.

He waved goodbye to his boys and Hermione, heading straight to Hogwarts. He stepped into his quarters with a happy sigh, seeing Rengoku sitting on the couch. He hadn't really spoken to the man last year at all.

He sat next to him and tilted his head back. "You ready for another year of teaching?" He jokingly asked.

Rengoku nodded cheerfully. "I'm ready but you do know we have a meeting with the master in the morning right?"

Giyuu looked up. "Forgot about that. But I get to see Uzui!" He exclaimed happily.

Rengoku chuckled. "Your relationship was unexpected but I'm glad he makes you happy." Rengoku ruffled his hair before pausing.

"You're twenty two now." Giyuu tilted his head. "Soon to be twenty three in February. How the time flies...." he mumbled wistfully.

Giyuu gave a melancholic smile. "Yeah... cant believe we lasted this ling." Rengoku could only nod with a slight sigh.

They parted ways to get lesson plans done before dinner and the sorting. Giyuu stayed in there all night, forgetting about dinner.

He fell asleep on his desk, never noticing his student use her magic to lift him into his office and onto his couch as he had done for her many times over. Hermione chuckled a little.

"Goodnight sensei." She spoke in fluent Japanese. The man seemed to curl into his blanket a bit as she shut off the light and left the room.

Rengoku woke him in the morning, leaving Giyuu to wonder how he had gotten in his office. He shrugged it off and just got ready, slipping into his demon slayer uniform and leaving a note on the door to his classroom.

They stepped into the meeting room in Japan and took their places, Giyuu next to Uzui and Rengoku on his other side, acting as a barrier. Uzui smiled at him and ruffled his hair, making Giyuu pout.

"Why does everyone ruffle my hair?" He grumbled. Uzui's eyes lit up and he whispered something into Giyuu's ear. Giyuu grinned.

"I need to fetch something important before the meeting." He spoke softly.

He was fast about it, using magic to shrink and regrow the one thing he'd come to grab. He held her in his pocket before resizing her as she slid into the shadows to hide. They'd given both the master and Gyomei a warning before they brought him so they didn't revealed Morgana.

Uzui and him shared mischievous looks, making Shinobu break into a cold sweat.

'Oh dear god.... what are they planning?' Her gaze moved away from them as the master joined them outside. He smiled at them all.

"Hello my children. Is the sky blue today?" He asked softly.

"Goodmorning master. I pray for your health and good luck." Sanemi spoke first.

"Thank you Sanemi." The master hummed, head moving to face them instead of the sky. "Any reports?"

"Nothing unusual. There's been a decrease in injured slayers. The ones that Tomioka taught at that school are doing a fine job of protecting everyone." Giyuu smiled at Shinobu's report.

"I've noticed that too. Not only are they strong but they're also high in numbers. I saw a lowermoon get swarmed last week." Sanemi spoke up.

"Kyaaa! So cool!" Mitsuri blurted, making them all pause and glance at her. Obanai snarled, seeing her speaking about Giyuu.

"They're all bound to die anyways. Too arrogant. I mean look at that 'Tonks' kid! All she does is that shapeshifting thing to startle demons!"

Giyuu glared. Tonks had been in his first year of teaching, even if she tried to to stand out too much. She was a good kid.

"Do you have a problem with my student?" Giyuu snapped, making the air tense. The master lifted a hand to hide his growing grin.

"Yeah I do. And I have a problem with you! Why the hell are you not demon slaying anymore?! I get it you're a teacher now but seriously? You're so damn lazy, never taking any missions!"

The air rumbled as Giyuu's little pet grew angry. They all tensed and gripped their swords.

"What was that?" Muichiro squeaked.

"It seems Obanai has upset my pet. Isn't that right, Morgana?" Giyuu spoke up, lifting a hand to hold behind him. The chin of a great snake fell onto his palm, the razor sharp teeth near inches from his face. A dark grin spread across his face as they paled in terror.

Obanai fell onto his ass, scooting away. Giyuu laughed. "Scared? I don't see why, she's only a little venomous.~"

Obanai glared at him. "Get that thing out of here!"

Giyuu put a finger on his chin, tapping it. "Let me see..... no."

He simply sat back down as the giant snake slithered around him, forming a protective barrier. Giyuu hummed happily as his head poked out of the top. "Please continue now master."

The master laughed lightly, reaching out a hand. Morgana leaned into his to sniff his hand before humming and placing her head against his hand. He gently stroked her scales as he looked at his hashira.

"There is not much else to speak about. Please do take the day off to talk with each other." They smiled as the master went back inside. Giyuu slid out of Morgana's barrier and moved to Uzui's side.

Shinobu was the first to pop up. "Tomioka can I please extract some vemon from.... Morgana was it?"

He hummed and glanced at the snake who seemed to nod. "Of course. You don't really need too much, a single drop of her venom could kill up to maybe eight hundred men."

Her eyes widened. Morgana leaned down and opened her jaw, letting one of her teeth rest, giving Shinobu the chance to raise a cup with a thick cover to her tooth. The tooth pierced the cup with ease and filled it with venom.

The thick, black vemon filled the cup to the brim, making Shinobu grin widely.

"Oh the demons are going to hate this!" She mumbled, very pleased.

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