Another Love

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Giyuu sat with Morgana the rest of the day, the snake resting her head in his lap. He hummed and gently pet her head.

He let Uzui sit behind him, not caring what Obanai had to say this time. Uzui held tightly onto him as he snapped, head rest on Giyuu's shoulder and face buried in his neck.

Giyuu held back a giggled as Uzui sleepily mumbled into his neck, moving closer. Mitsuri watched them with a soft smile. Their love was beautiful, pure and unconditional.

Although she thought Tomioka might have been attracted to Rengoku at first, it seems she was wrong. Maybe.

Seeing them both sleeping so peacefully alongside the giant snake, something she had to resist petting, made her heart flutter. She slowly made her way over, aware of a few eyes following her.

The snake glanced at her before lifting her head and picking Mitsuri up with the end of her tail. Mitsuri was dropped next to Giyuu, who sleepily opened and eye and smiled.

"She likes you." He mumbled before going abck to sleep. His arm let her lean onto his shoulder as her own eyes became heavy. Shinobu was on top of Morgana's head, gently stroking the scales. She loved reptiles, always wanted one but had no clue on how to care for it.

Everyone was staring st them like they were insane. It was a giant ass snake after all, one with possibly the most potent venom in the entire world. Yet they were laying on her like a pillow, sleeping away.

Obanai had left hours ago due to the terror of the snake biting him. Muichiro had also left, not caring much for socializing.

Others just stayed as far away as possible, not trusting the snake. Gyomei turned to talk to Rengoku but praised as the man was missing. Everyone just watched as he joined what was now a dogpile of bodies, using Morgana as a pillow.

Gyomei just slowly turned and left. He rubbed his temple. Why couldn't this just be simple for once?

When the sun set, Morgana woke them all with a soft hiss, signaling that it was time to go. Giyuu sighed and Uzui grinned.

"We'll just come with you!" Shinobu shook her head.

"I have a joint mission with Mitsuri in the morning."

They frowned as the girls left, leaving the three men and singular over protective snake behind. The man looked at each other before using Apparition to head to Hogwarts. The night was quiet, a sliver of a moon over head, casting beautiful reflections across the lake.

They sat at the bank of the lake, watching little creatures Giyuu couldn't remember the name to swim by. He smiled softly as he lowered his hand into the water, a few curling up to his fingers curiously.

Strong arms held him tight as Rengoku leaned into his side. Uzui looked down at them softly.

"You know, I always wanted more than one husband." He teased at Rengoku, who turned a fiery red.

Giyuu giggled and yanked the man into them, making them all fall back. "I wouldn't mind either you know." He spoke softly to Rengoku.

Rengoku smiled weakly. "I'll think about it." Giyuu grinned and scooted up to him.

"C'mon. I want to lay down." He yawned. Uzui smiled as he hugged them.

"We should really go inside." Rengoku mumbled. Uzui and Giyuu sighed, getting up and brushing themselves off. They walked inside the castle, seeing the stairs rotate to lead the way.

The portraits smiled at them, the sleepy nature of Giyuu making them think of their children when they were young.

They arrived in their quarters, Uzui now carrying a sleeping Giyuu. They walked into the bedroom and laid down, Uzui looking at the unsure Rengoku. He lifted an arm and Rengoku finally walked in and snuggled up to them.

Giyuu reached out to him in his sleep, making Rengoku's face go soft. He hugged him as they all slept peacefully.

The morning was a first for them. Instead of waking on their own as normal, the door was pushed open and Giyuu was shook awake. He sleepily opened his eyes to see Dudley.

"Duds?" He mumbled. The boy nodded.

"I'm sorry I woke you up.... I just wanted to see you and you were asleep and theres class in an hour." Giyuu smiled softly.

"Go sit down in the living room. I'll be there in a minute Duds." Giyuu smiled as the boy lit up.

He was quick to get ready, leaving his lover and future lover in the bed, sound asleep. He got some tea ready and joined Dudley on the couch, the boy leaning into him.

He smiled and rubbed his head. "Where's Harry?" He asked softly. It was rare to find the two separated.

"He's with Professor Snape right now. He was falling behind in potions so he asked for tutoring."

Giyuu smiled. "Good. I'm glad he asked for help." He stirred his tea, taking a slow sip. Dudley rubbed sleep out of his eyes and Giyuu chuckled.

"You should've stayed in bed. Now run along. Breakfast should be starting."

Dudley hugged him quickly before running off. "Bye dad!"

Giyuu paused. Then smiled as he watched Dudley run, not realizing what he'd said. Giyuu let a samll tear of pure joy slide down his face before he felt Uzui hug him from behind and softly kiss his neck. He leaned into his touch.

Uzui smiled. "He called you dad."

Giyuu nodded, overjoyed. "He did. He really did." Uzui chuckled as he saw his face. He planted a few kisses all over, making him giggle.

Another set of hands suddenly playfully tickled his sides,making him laugh.

"K-kyo-Kyojuro please!" He laughed as hard as he could. The hands stopped and the flame hashira's head fell onto his shoulder smugly.

All three fell back with Giyuu in between the two of them. He hummed happily and gently kissed both on the cheek before sighing.

"Damn it we have class."

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