The Entertainment District

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Hermione hit the floor, panting heavily, her sword discarded to the side. Giyuu smiled as he wiped the small trickle on blood from his cheek.

It had only been a single hit, but she'd done it. He grinned at her as he offered her a hand. She took it and he hauled her up.

"You've earned an O for the rest of the year." He spoke softly, letting go of her hand.

The bright smile she suddenly had made his entire day. A few other students, including Draco and Harry, also tried what Hermione had done. But none succeeded like she did.

Giyuu couldn't stop smiling all day, even when asked at dinner why he was so happy. Word quickly spread that someone had passed what was to be the final exam for seventh years and many went to her for advice.

She'd just giggle and tell them to keep working hard. She went to bed happy that night, ready to send a letter to her parents about how she would not be returning home for many years.

This summer, she would take Final Selection. This summer, she would start official missions. It was not up for debate. She wanted it.

Her feet hit the floor before the sun even rose. She grunted as she sat through another grueling training session, attempting to get her stamina reserves up a bit.

She panted as she used a quick tempos to check the time before sighing. She went back to the common rooms and hopped in the shower.

She scrubbed down her body and washed her hair before getting out. She slipped on her uniform with a happy yawn and went to breakfast. She sat down and noticed she was quite literally the only one there.

She noticed the proud nod she got from her teacher and smiled as she ate. She was soon joined by friends but she didn't pay them any attention.

She was still very tired as she walked into class half an hour early. Giyuu sighed when he saw her and waved her into his office.

"Come one. You have to lay down. Today is a free day but I want you to lay down and get some rest alright?" He asked softly as she sat on the soft couch. She nodded slowly as he grabbed a blanket and a pillow.

He set it down and made her lay down before draping the blanket over her. He turned off his office light and stepped out, seeing a few more early students.

The lesson passed smoothly and dinner came around. Hermione had woken up and was at the teacher's table asking about the next lesson.

"So we'll be just weight training?" Hermione asked. Giyuu nodded as he took a bite out of his salmon.

"Thanks dad!" Hermione grinned as she ran out. Giyuu just nodded before Rengoku tapped his shoulder giving him a look.

He paused before it hit him and he choked. The entire hall stared as Hermione realized what she said, going red and sputtering. "WAIT NO- I DIDN'T- FUCK!"

She yelled while running out of the hall. Giyuu was smiling happily as he ate his food. Rengoku smiled at him before turning back to his food with a gentle hum.

The hall was laughing at the irony before a crow landed in front of Giyuu.

"Giyuu Tomioka is to report to headquarters for a joint mission with Uzui Tengen!" The bird cried out.

Giyuu swallowed his food with a sigh before nodding and getting up.

"All lesson plans are to be delayed until further notice." He spoke loudly. "I'll be back within a week, if not presume me dead."

He spoke coldly the second time, all but flying down the halls. His gaze fixated on the door as he slipped through the floo and into the busy street of Kyoto.

He quickly weaved between stalls before breaking into a sprint. If he was being called for a mission with Uzui, it was big.

A feeling of dread was pooling in his stomach. Something was off. Didn't the girls have an undercover mission recently? He hadn't gotten any letters recently.

He spotted his boyfriend standing tall, snapping at Zenitsu. He picked up his pace to hear Zenitsu scream back.

"YOU OLD UGLY-" He glared as he landed between the two, stopping the argument. His cold gaze pierced into Zenitsu's brain, eyes rolling with fury.

"What the hell did you say? Did you just call my liver ugly?" He growled, picking Zenitsu up by the scruff of his clothing. Zenitsu yelped as Tanjiro proceeded to back away with a tiny 'on your own, man'.

Inosuke paled and backed away with a terrified whimper. Uzui hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"Calm down water boy. It was just a small unflashy argument." He soothed.

Giyuu sighed and set Zenitsu on his feet, gently brushing at his shoulders and fixing the front of his uniform apologetically.

"Apologies. Please do not insult my lover again." He spoke softly, feeling bad that he'd lost his temper.

The group set out to the wisteria house nearby to get ready and Giuuu held back a giggle when he saw how Tengen had dressed them up. He knew it had a reason. If they were too pretty, people would want to 'use' them.

Neither men would let that happen. Giyuu was to patrol the area and search for the demon in hard to get places. He was also going to keep an eye out for the girls.

Something told him he shouldn't be left alone. The instincts of Godric were pressing into his very being, telling him to return to the group.

He forced himself to ignore it, to endure. That was a mistake.

He was tired. So tired, he didn't see the beautiful sashes until they could tightly around him and dragged his body deep underground, where he would be held for many passing days.

Sorry it took so long, I didn't  know what to do with this chapter! Now please enjoy Female Giyuu.

And Mama Muzan, which is my new username.

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