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Chan pov

It's been very quiet without y/n.. it's been killing us but we need to try and forget her for our next song.. I'm sure y/n is doing good without us annoying her everyday... But she's doing everything herself... She's pregnant and she doing things herself.. I'm worry about her... Hyunjin come out with one of his art work and he showed us..

Me: y/n would love that Hyunjin

Hyunjin: I sent her a photo she liked it

Feilx: wait you talked to y/n

Hyunjin: I just sent her the photo of my drawing that all

Changbin: she likes his drawings.. she would do anything just to see them

I.n: y/n means so much to us.. how can we just forget about her

Me: we won't forget about her I.n.. she means too much to us...

Han: y/n will forever will be in my heart.. she's my crazy sister

Lee know: she will always be in our heart han

Seungmin: I agree

Y/n pov

I wake up and ofc I have to go to the toilet.. I fall asleep when it wasn't kicking me thanks to the boys keeping it from kicking me all the time... I sit down with my diary and I start to write down everything that happened.. one that was done I got up and put my diary in my room.. I get my bag and left the house to do some shopping.. I get there and I noticed that there were fans... They noticed me and they come running to me... I made sure that they couldn't see the baby bump... They were taking photos with me and also asking me about the boys.. I just smile and told them that I need to do some shopping.. they nod as they left to do their own thing but ofc I look at my phone as it go off a notification saying that I was tag in a post.. I look at and it was the girls that took photos with me.. the caption on the post was too sweet... Their caption "we saw y/n together and she so nice.. she agreed to take a photo with us.. we talk for a little bit.. she's so cute and so sweet
y/n!!" I liked and comment because they were so nice and I thought it would be rude of me if I didn't... I it my phone down and did my shopping

Changbin pov

I come across a photo of y/n and some fans.. I was with feilx and Chan.. I got their attention so I can show them

Me: Y/n was seen today by some fans

Chan: what do you mean

Feilx: where

I show them the post that I saw they couldn't believe that she was hiding baby bump..

Chan: she's hiding the baby bump

Feilx: maybe she doesn't want fans to know

Me: maybe...

I noticed that she like and comment on it.. I knew she would because she likes to do that... I sit there looking at my phone like an idiot as Han and lee know walk in...

Han: Binnie you look like an idiot

Lee know: yeah what are you looking at

I look up as them and show them what I was looking at... They noticed that y/n hide the baby bump... they look at me and look at Chan n feilx... They sit down...

Y/n pov

I get done with my shopping.. I make it home and I put everything away I was out of breath once I was done.. I sit down on the couch And as soon I sit down.. it kick me.. I put on stray kids as the boys are the only thing I could do to make it stop kicking me as soon it stop kicking me I had my diary with me so I started to write in it... I ended up falling asleep on the couch with stray kids in the background.. 10 hours later
I get waking up by this very loud bang.. too scared to move to see what it was.. without thinking I sent a message to Hyunjin...

Me: Hyunjin!

Scary man 🤎: y/n what's wrong is everything okay?

Me: I'm scared... I heard a very loud bang...

Scary man 🤎: y/n it's okay.. do you want me to come over and see?

Me: please... You can't tell the others... I still don't want to see them and just forgot what I said to you.. just keep me safe please...

Scary man 🤎: I'm only doing this because I care about you.. but send me a message at anytime if you feel scared

Me: thank you Hyunjin

I put my phone down as I'm still scared on the couch I didn't move until I hear a knock.. I jump... I opened the door and Hyunjin was there.. I give him a hug because I was so glad he was there... He come in and takes a look... He didn't see anything.. he come back to the lounge room and sit down on my couch with me.. he look at me as I knew he shouldn't be here as I told everyone that I need them to forget about me...

Me: thanks Hyunjin.. I know you shouldn't really be here because you know

Hyunjin: I know y/n but you sent me a message saying that you are scared.. I can't just let anything happened to you again and Don't worry I won't tell the others...

Me: thanks

Hyunjin: how's the baby

Me: it won't stop making me go to the toilet and kicking me but I know how to stop it from kicking..

He laughed as he got up to leave.. he give me a hug and letting me know that if I need him.. I can text him.. he left my house as i am still sitting on the couch... I grab my piano and I started to play it... I write my first song... I started to record it as soon I was done I posted it... A lot of fans was in shock that I can sing but they liked it.. but don't know the truth behind the song......

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A/n: this chapter got me thinking like crazy!
1141 words

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