Chapter 07

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"do not move."

Bai Chunian picked up the water in the fountain pool to help Rimbaud wash off the blood on his cheeks and body, took the tactical dagger in his hand and inserted it into the armed belt of his team uniform, and took two daggers from the belts of the two corpses. The detonator was quickly installed on Rimbaud's belt, and the countdown to self-destruction increased from one minute and nine seconds to two hours.

Rimbaud sat on the marble periphery of the fountain, half-squinted his eyes and raised his head, the soaked blond hair slowly dripping water, the water droplets disappeared in the bandage wrapped around his neck.

He had just finished a battle, his glands leaked a small amount of pheromones, and there was a faint scent of white thorn rose on his body.

Originally wanted to scold the fish for disobeying the command, but smelling the familiar and warm pheromone smell, Bai Chunian felt like being comforted. rule.

"I'll let you fight before you can fight. The rest of the time, you can just sit in a daze in a corner where no one is there."

Rimbaud pursed his lips and thought, and opened his mouth very hard: "a."

Bai Chunian rubbed his hair in annoyance. It was easy to help the rabbit get five or six stars, but how to prevent Rimbaud from getting more than seven stars was a big problem.

While worrying about this, Bai Chunian suddenly realized that Lan Bo's pronunciation was much clearer than before.

"Tell me, Bai, Chu, Nian."


"Bai Chunian."


"Forget it, change it to something simple, call it Brother Chu."


"Brother Chu."

"Brother Chuge."

"Good, practice more."

A few minutes later, Lu Yan and Bi Lanxing arrived at the fountain to meet the two of them. They spread out their task books and put them together for comparison to see if there were any tasks with similar content that could be completed together to save time.

The first missions of Lan Bo, Lu Yan, and Bi Lanxing were all in the city library.

Bai Chunian glanced at the map. It took 20 minutes to drive from their location to the city library. The task book was written to hand over information with the informant. In theory, it didn't take much time. A fixed ammo box is placed inside, which means that the library is a big material point that all nearby teams will compete for. If you want to enter the library, you will inevitably fight. If there are more than one team competing for the ammunition box, it will definitely delay time. If the detonator in the box is taken away by another team in advance, they are likely to be eliminated by self-destruction due to lack of time.

So going to the library first is not the best option.

At this time, Lu Yan said to Lan Bo: "I didn't expect you to be quite powerful, you follow me."

Bai Chunian quickly held down Lan Bo: "No, he can't." Letting Lan Bo let go of the killing, there were not even half a living person left in the entire arena.

"I think you're the worst. Step aside and don't talk." Lu Yan snorted, "I'll go to the library later. It shouldn't be a good team that fights at the beginning. They want to try their luck when others don't have weapons. Picking up the heads, Rimbaud just killed two of the death row inmates, and the other two are still nearby, let's go eat the remaining two first."

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