Chapter 6

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"Arriving in the Serenno system in 3, 2, 1." As Abie finished her sentence, the Insurgent dropped out of hyperspace with the Iron Stump not far behind. The atmosphere above the planet was much more peaceful than Abie had expected. No Star Destroyers in orbit. No smoke plumes visible from space. This place wasn't at all like Onderon.

"What's the plan, Abie?" Twitch said impatiently over the intercom. Abie regained focus and scrambled for the microphone on her headset. "Stand by Twitch, I am going to figure that out now."

Abie tapped a few buttons on her control panel, establishing a transmission to the planet's surface. "Oster, Piik, status report."

A few seconds passed before Oster's gruff voice came over the intercom. "I think we found a spot for now, Lady Edge. I have made arrangements for the Insurgent as well as Twitch's new frigate to land at the spaceport in the city of Carannia. I am standing by in hangar 13 while Piik is in hangar 2. Landing our ships in the capital city probably isn't the best idea but it is all we got on short notice. Coordinates incoming. Oster, out."

The transmission dropped as the coordinates were displayed on Abie's monitor. "Twitch, go to the following coordinates. Piik will show you and your crew where we will be." Once Abie confirmed with Twitch the coordinates, the ships made their way to the surface.

The Insurgent set down in the spacious hangar while the sound of Twitch's frigate passed overhead.

Abie could see Oster standing on the landing platform waving at the ship. Oster soon boarded the ship and walked onto the bridge. "Sorry again milady for the location. Piik and I can find something more permanent."

Abie got up from her chair and patted the Bothan on the shoulder. "Not to worry. This location will work just fine for now. We can hide right under the Empire's nose. We will want to establish a base at some point so keep looking when you get the time." As Abie was saying this, other members of her crew started to filter into the command center of the Insurgent.

"Hey fellas, here comes the one arm wonder!" McCart blurted out. A few of the men burst out laughing as Twitch walked in the room.

"Shut it, McCart!" Twitch yelled back before taking a seat.

Abie shot a quick glare to both of her officers before making her way to the center of the room. "Alright Cloud Squadron welcome to Serenno. I am going to give the floor to McCart to explain the status of the planet."

McCart, who was sitting in one of the pilots' chairs, rose to his feet, taking a quick bow. Twitch rolled his eyes as he watched McCart take center stage. "Alright rebels, listen up because I am only going to say this once. This planet is my home and I thank all of you for coming to its aid. I wish I had more information to share with you, but the Empire started blocking transmissions from my kin back here. Last I heard, the Empire was pressing citizens into their service but for what reason I do not know. Them Imps are up to something, and they need to be stopped."

Twitch had heard enough. With a sigh he spoke up. "Great, we came to this planet knowing nothing. What was your plan here, McCart, walk us straight to our deaths?"

Before McCart could argue back Abie interrupted, silencing them both. "I have had enough of you two bickering! When Saw Gererra started our operation on Onderon we had little to no intel. But what did we do? We completed reconnaissance mission after reconnaissance mission to gain that intel. I say that's exactly what we do now. Tomorrow morning at dawn we will be splitting into teams of two to scout the planet. Talk to the locals. Find out what the Empire is up to. Pairs will be assigned in the morning. Squad dismissed."

The people in the command room slowly departed leaving only the four officers. "So, we deciding teams? I want that gloomy gal Piik," McCart commented.

Abie let out a laugh before saying, "On the contrary McCart. I have the partners already selected. But I am sure you will enjoy your partner when you see the list tomorrow."

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