Chapter 7

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"Charles! Coruscant is under attack. Get up!"

Rhodes' eyes fluttered open to see his master standing at the doorway. Sasar Dew was a taller dark-skinned human with a large frame and thick beard. He wore standard light brown Jedi robes with a lightsaber attached either hip. The normally calm face of Master Dew was frantic as he impatiently waited for Rhodes to snap out of his meditative state.

Rhodes watched as he finally gave up and sprinted down the hall toward the sound of blaster fire. Rhodes scrambled to his feet, trying to gather his bearings. He was in his old quarters aboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer he had commanded with his master during the Clone Wars.

Rhodes glanced to his left and looked at himself in a mirror on the wall. The face staring back was indeed his own but had shorter hair and a long padawan's braid hanging down to his right shoulder.

Rhodes stumbled to the door and peered into the corridor. He saw dozens of clone troopers, adorned with green markings on their armor, running in the direction of Master Dew.

Rhodes grabbed one of the troopers by the arm causing him to come to a halt. "Yes, Commander. What are your orders?"

"What's going on?" Rhodes asked, still confused by all the commotion.

The clone readied his blaster before replying, "General Grievous and the Separatist fleet have arrived. General Dew has ordered we defend this corridor."

Before Rhodes could respond, the trooper continued running down the hall. "This can't be... I can't be back here," Rhodes said under his breath. "Master Dew must know what's happening."

Unsure what else to do, the frightened young Jedi ran toward the sounds of blaster fire.

He turned the corner to see Master Dew in the middle of the hallway. Behind him were the clone troopers of the 81st battalion firing at a group of battle droids that were streaming in from landing crafts that had pierced the hull of the ship.

The hum of Master Dew's two blue lightsabers could be heard deflecting shot after shot, protecting his soldiers as they gunned down the approaching enemy.

Rhodes sprinted to the front of the group until he was side by side with his master. He drew his own green lightsaber and began deflecting shots back at the advancing droids. "Master! I know this sounds strange, but I am not here, I am on Iridonia."

The bald man cocked his head to the side as he quickly glanced at his apprentice. "Nonsense, Padawan Charles, you must focus on this moment. We must finish the battle, then we can talk."

Rhodes grunted, still deflecting blaster bolts. "Fine, I'll end it right now!"

Before Master Dew could object, Rhodes rushed toward the enemy, battering to the side any bolt headed his way. As he came within striking distance of the battle droids, he dropped to the ground sliding through the legs of the first two droids while holding his saber in the air. The bisected droids fell to the ground as Rhodes sprang to his feet. He quickly swung behind him, slicing off the heads of two more droids. Rhodes then jumped against the wall avoiding a volley of blaster bolts. The young Jedi pushed off the wall, landing in the middle of the remaining group of droids. Rhodes spun on the ball of his foot while holding his saber away from his body. As he came to a stop, the heads of the remaining droids fell to the ground in unison.

Satisfied with his handy work, Rhodes grinned and deactivated his lightsaber. Just like old times, he thought.

Rhodes turned around to see his master with arms folded and a scowl on his face. "What were you thinking, Padawan Charles? Your actions continue to be reckless and impulsive! You could have—"

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