Chapter 13

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Lena didn't know what to think. On one hand, she was still furious that Rhodes offered her as a gift to Gran-we. While she didn't think he was actually sincere, it still annoyed her that he didn't mention that when he explained his plan. On the other hand, she just watched Rhodes convince the guards that he was on the guest list. Was this some new Force power that Rhodes hadn't taught her? Just the thought of Rhodes teaching her, reminded her just how annoyed she was at how this mission seemed to be getting in the way of her training. All of these emotions swirled inside her as she followed the Pantoran man toward their room.

They meandered down various hallways until eventually coming to a hall full of doors. The Pantoran came to a stop and instead of opening the door, stood in front of it. "Mr. Edge, you, and your attendant will be in this room. I can deliver your 'gift' to Gran-we now."

As he was saying this, the man was shooting a grin right at Lena. Before she could say a word, Rhodes took a step in front of her. "That won't be necessary. I would like to deliver her to your master personally."

The man shrugged while unlocking the door. "Very well. But I do need to ask your droid to wait with the other guest's droids in the motor pool."

Rhodes attempted to protest, insisting that Hunter remain with him. The expression on the other man's face grew sour as he waited for Rhodes to finish. "You are a guest in this household, and I ask that you respect our rules."

Not wanting to risk being found out, Rhodes agreed to the man's terms. He crouched down next to Hunter who was chirping with displeasure. "I know buddy, it's inconvenient. Keep your comm channel open so we can stay in touch." Hunter continued to grumble as he rolled over to the guard.

"A little attached to your droid?" the man chuckled.

"Yes, I am," Rhodes simply replied while rolling his eyes.

The man shrugged while opening the door. He ushered Rhodes, Timber, and Lena into the room before disappearing down the hallway, escorting the disgruntled droid.

Rhodes immediately began pacing around the room, trying to figure a way around the newest wrinkle in the plan. Before Rhodes could say a word, he felt a powerful push that sent him flying into the wall. He fell to the ground, trying to catch his breath after the wind had been knocked out of him. He looked up to see Lena's hand outstretched, her face red with rage.

"How dare you!" she shouted.

Rhodes stumbled to his feet and scratched the back of his head. "Sorry, Lena. The plan changed a bit once I got a look at those guards. I had to make it more convincing."

Lena rolled her eyes as she lowered her hand. "And you used me?" Lena continued. "Why couldn't you have offered them Hunter or Timber?"

Timber, who was watching from the side, began to laugh. "No one would want a washed up, old man like me," he said, continuing to chuckle.

Lena rolled her eyes before turning back to Rhodes, waiting for an answer. "They were men, Lena. And since you are a woman—"

Before Rhodes could finish, Lena cut him off. "Never mind, I don't want to hear it. Now, to my next point. How did you convince them you were on the list? Is this another Force power you haven't taught me? Oh wait, that's right. I am learning discipline."

Rhodes sighed, choosing not to acknowledge her sarcastic tone. "That was a Jedi mind trick. I can use the Force to influence the weak-minded. I will teach you it in time but in order to get to that stage, we need to lay down a foundation of discipline. You lack the discipline to keep composure as evidenced by you pushing me against the wall. Before we can continue with your training, you must learn to control your emotions."

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