Chapter 11

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"Gran-we," Timber simply said. Rhodes' blank expression turned to a frown as he continued staring at the clone.

"Let me guess, I am the only one who doesn't know who that is," Lena complained.

Rhodes let out a sigh while attempting to flip the upturned desk. "Gran-we is a deadly crime boss that controls the criminal underworld of a moon called Pantora. There was a time during the Clone Wars that Timber and I went on a secret assignment against orders to try to undermine his empire. The mission turned into a spectacular failure, and we were both almost killed." Rhodes had by now moved the desk back to its original spot. "Why would we try that again, Timber?" Rhodes said as he took a seat on the desk.

"This time is different," Timber started. "While Gran-we is still up to his normal criminal enterprises, our mission isn't about that. This time, our employer is a village elder whose daughter was kidnapped by Gran-we's goons. He plans to marry her against her will in two days. This leaves us with very little time to act."

Rhodes had his arms crossed as he considered Timber's words.

"We have to do this! That poor girl needs our help!" Lena interjected.

Rhodes shot a quick glance to Lena before looking back to Timber. "I wasn't planning to say no. I've been wanting another shot at these guys for years. But a simple rescue mission will be a lot easier than taking on an entire crime syndicate. Do you have a plan?"

Timber nodded while retrieving his blaster that was still sitting off to the side. "With two Jedi by my side I was hoping just to attack the main gate head on. They won't be expecting it. In the chaos, the guards will likely try to protect Gran-we. During the commotion, we can swoop in and grab our target."

"You do know that if we reveal our lightsabers, the Empire would be after us," Rhodes shot back. "The only reason I have survived for so long is that the Empire thinks I am dead, and Lena doesn't exist. I would like to keep it that way." Timber shrugged while Rhodes began pacing around the room, formulating a plan. "Perhaps a strategy more focused on deception and stealth would work better. Lena needs to work on stealth anyway. I assume there will be guests at the wedding?" Timber nodded in response but allowed Rhodes to finish his plan. "Alright, if we can find a way to pose as a guest or replace an already invited guest, we can gain access to his palace. I can pose as a rich exporter. Timber will be my guard. We will need to get you a helmet, so you aren't recognized as a clone. And Lena will act as my servant."

"Why do I have to be a servant!" Lena blurted out.

Rhodes let out a laugh before responding. "Well, you don't have the skills to talk our way in. If you really wanted to, you could pose as my wife?"

Lena pretended to gag causing Timber to burst out laughing.

The slightly annoyed Rhodes waited for the two to stop before saying, "I thought so. Now, is everyone good with the plan?" The other two in the room confirmed the plan with a nod. "Very well. We should be able to find a vendor on Pantora where we can get some new outfits. Timber, do you have a ship?"

The clone shook his head before muttering, "No... I may or may not have lost it gambling."

Rhodes face-palmed and sighed. "I have a ship. C'mon, let's get to Pantora."

Rhodes, Timber, and Lena left the office, stepping back into the noisy bar. Thankfully, no one seemed to have heard the commotion from within the office and if they did, they didn't care. Rhodes made a quick stop by the bar where he tossed the bartender a few more credits, apologizing for the mess that was left in the office.

The three stepped out of the bar and into the blaring sun above. Rhodes instantly looked around trying to find Hunter who was supposed to be waiting outside. "Where could that rust bucket be?" Rhodes muttered under his breath.

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