Chapter 21

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The room was buzzing with excitement. Rumors of new assignments had been spreading throughout the ranks of Cloud Squadron.

The group was assembled in the hangar of the Insurgent and comprised the original members of the group in addition to Alaren and the other five recruits that had been rescued earlier. Rhodes, Lena, and Hunter were in the back, trying not to draw attention to themselves although everyone knew they were there. Abie was huddled with the other three officers near a holoprojector in the middle of the room. The four eventually broke apart with the other officers taking positions within the crowd, leaving Abie alone in the middle.

With a wave of her hand, Abie had silenced the room, everyone watching with eager anticipation. "I want to start by thanking everyone for your patience these past few weeks. Since then, the message from Jedi Knight, Charles Rhodes, has turned public opinion to our side. With that being said, it is time we make our first recruiting push. In order to effectively fight the Empire, we need more active support. I've had Alaren and his people coordinate efforts to get our message out. The following six Cloud Squadron soldiers will be paired with Alaren's group: Oster, Erene, Davant, Xisuma, Flin, and Gormac. The objective of this mission is to recruit as many soldiers as you can with the aid of our Serenno natives. It should be a short mission so be back within a few hours. Oh, and commendations will be given to the team with the highest recruitment numbers. Any questions?"

"You didn't call mine or Tertrev's name, Lady Edge," A voice said from the crowd. It was Jordavi who quickly stepped forward to continue. "Do we have an assignment?"

Abie gave a nod as she flipped on the holoprojector. "You two will be briefed in a second. As for everyone else, squad dismissed."

The rest of Cloud Squadron filtered out of the ship leaving the officers, Jordavi, Tertrev, Rhodes, Lena, and Hunter.

"Alright, now down to business. Jordavi and Tertrev. You two have been chosen for this special assignment because of your continued loyalty and trustworthiness." By now, everyone in the room was huddled around the holoprojector. "The objective of this mission..." Abie continued. "Is to eliminate or sabotage the weapon the Empire deployed on us a month ago."

Jordavi and Tertrev looked at each other with expressions of shock and excitement.

"Alright, folks. I will be explaining the first portion of the plan," McCart stated, taking center stage. "We are infiltrating the ISD Kaali."

"A Star Destroyer?" Jordavi blurted out, immediately regretting her interjection.

McCart gave her a glare but chose not to reprimand her. "Yes, it is the flagship of Grand Admiral Leneh Rod."

"Did you say Leneh Rod?" Rhodes cut in.

McCart groaned after being interrupted yet again. "Would someone else like to lead the briefing? Because everyone seems to be questioning everything I'm saying."

The room remained silent, McCart's eyes shooting daggers at Rhodes and Jordavi in particular. "I thought so... As I was saying, we are to infiltrate the Star Destroyer of the Empire's elites. Luckily for us, we are facing the one who is widely believed to be the least of the grand admirals. Nevertheless, she should not be underestimated. We will get aboard the ship posing as a prisoner transfer. Lena and I will be in officer's uniforms..."

McCart turned to Rhodes. "We will need the two outfits you stole on your last mission." Rhodes nodded but remained silent.

"...and Jordavi and Tertrev will be posing as stormtroopers. I have got clearance codes to get us both into the Imperial shipyards as well as access to the Kaali. Once aboard the Destroyer, we will split into teams. Apparently, Twitch has chosen the teams."

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