Epilogue: The Insurgent

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Twitch's cruiser appeared inconsequential next to the rest of the New Republic fleet. Next to the fleet command ship known as Home One, the Insurgent looked like a tiny blue speck against the vast galactic backdrop.

Twitch sat in the cockpit, admiring the size of the flagship, although it was still smaller than the three new Starhawk Battleships that the New Republic had built. He let out a long sigh as he shook his head. "I should be up there."

Jordavi, who was sitting next to him, jolted awake. She rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes as she turned her chair to face him. "What do you mean, Twitch? You want all that stress?"

"To be honest, yes," Twitch started. "To be up there, with Admiral Ackbar, General Syndulla, Commodore Agate, and Abie. To have actual authority. That's where I hoped to be by now."

Jordavi chuckled as she got up from her seat. "You do have authority. You command this ship and the Cloud Squadron bombers."

Twitch rolled his eyes. "I've commanded this rust bucket for five years, ever since Abie got promoted."

Jordavi continued to giggle. "Looks like someone is a little disgruntled. Maybe you should write about something to make you feel better."

Twitch placed a hand on his chin as Jordavi exited the bridge. Twitch pondered it for a second before getting up from his chair. He navigated the corridors of the frigate until reaching his quarters. He made his way over to a small desk against the back wall. He removed a notebook from a small drawer and placed it on the desk. After flipping past a few pages of drawings, he began to write:

Victory at last. With the Empire in full retreat, the galactic civil war seems to be all but over. Our story started because Abie and I just wanted to help the people on Onderon. We soon found ourselves risking our lives for people we once opposed.

After the destruction of the refinery and the defeat of Grand Admiral Leneh Rod, the planet of Serenno was thrown into a period of unrest with more people speaking out against the Empire.

As for us rebels, a lot of things changed after that day. Rose, Keiran, Skye, and Kenz all returned to Teth where, last I heard, they are thriving. The people of Rose's village finally convinced her to become their official leader and now, she is the mayor of the small city. Kasdeya never returned to the Empire and became a valuable asset for the rebellion. Aurora Nova went back to her underground arms dealing business and often sold weapons to the rebel alliance.

All of those who came to help during our final struggle were thanks to Lena. When it comes to her, she simply disappeared. She left without a trace and I haven't seen her or the Kestrel since. The others often questioned why she left without saying a word to anyone else but if you ask me, it doesn't matter. I know she is out there somewhere doing good.

The Empire returned to the planet in full force in an attempt to locate the rebels responsible for the attack. Boy, I would have paid good credits to see the look on the face of whoever found McCart. Some days I regret not killing him there, but his actual fate may have been worse. I heard from some friends back on Serenno that he was tossed in an Imperial prison for his failures. Where he is now, I don't know.

The sacandium refinery and mine were never rebuilt and Serenno soon became just another planet under the loose control of an overzealous Empire. Despite Abie's desire to keep fighting for the people we had come to know, she made the wise decision to move on from Serenno and to new objectives. With the aid of another rebel cell, we were able to get the remnants of Cloud Squadron, and many rebel sympathizers off world. Our small rebel group was eventually absorbed into a larger cell known as the Massissi Group under the direction of General Dodonna. We remained with the group until the formation of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Abie flew at the battle of Endor, commanding her own squadron of A-wings as a captain within the rebel fleet. I was chosen for the ground team, landing on the forest moon of Endor. Under the direction of General Solo, we were able to destroy the shield generator paving the way for the destruction of the second Death Star. Now, we are preparing to launch an assault above the planet of Jakku which should deal the last crippling blow to the Empire.

Despite all this success and galactic freedom within reach, I still find myself thinking back to the months we spent on Serenno. I still talk to Kasdeya on occasion. She was just selected to represent Serenno in the recently formed New Republic Senate. We often reminisce, thinking back to memories of Rhodes, Lena, and those we lost during the struggle.

The spirit of Charles Rhodes still exists in our thoughts even to this day. The people of Serenno ended up creating a memorial featuring the names of Rhodes, Nina, Piik, Timber, Lance, and others that were lost in our attempt to deal a blow to the Empire.

As for Lena, I have a feeling I may just get to see her again someday. Maybe after the war is over, I can dedicate my free time to finding her. Perhaps I will get another chance with her? Only time will tell. For now, I will focus on the upcoming battle.

As I write this, the New Republic fleet is making the final preparations for the attack on Jakku. Soon, I will be leading the Insurgent into yet another battle. As much as I'd like to keep writing, the fleet was just given the go-ahead by Fleet Admiral Ackbar to prepare for the jump to hyperspace. I will leave this entry off with Rhodes' final words. "May the Force be with you, always."

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