Chapter 19

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The next few days were filled with excitement. Rhodes' message was heard across the planet, repeating for hours before the Empire figured out how to disable the data spike. A small riot broke out on the streets of Carannia, with citizens hurling whatever they could find at the closest stormtroopers.

Rhodes' words had a greater effect than anyone ever expected. He had told Abie that he would decide whether or not to stay by the end of the week, but the decision was proving more difficult than he thought.

In the meantime, Rhodes had been training Lena in the hangar of the Insurgent every morning, much to the delight of the Cloud Squadron soldiers.

Rhodes sat in the pilot's seat of the Violet Kestrel as he thought about what to do. Was he really ready to fight in another war? And was he ready to drag Lena along?

Right as she crossed his mind, his young apprentice walked into the ship followed by Hunter who was towing a small crate.

"How was the supply run?" Rhodes asked as he walked to the cargo hold.

"Uneventful," Lena muttered. "But I got all the ration packs you asked for as well as enough water canisters to last a few weeks. Are you going to tell me why you sent me to get this stuff?"

"Well, the answer to that question is up to you in a way."

"I don't follow. Just say what you are going to say."

Rhodes chuckled and motioned for her to follow him to the cockpit. The two sat down in their respective seats. "I am having a difficult time deciding whether or not we should stay and help Abie. And I realize that you deserve more input as a member of our little team." Hunter who had now entered the cockpit gave a flurry of beeps. "No, you don't get a say. The Empire isn't hunting you."

Lena giggled and patted the droid on the head. "It's ok Hunter, I will consider your opinion in my decision."

Rhodes rolled his eyes and continued. "From what Abie has told me, my words have caught the attention of the planet as well as the Imperial sector command. If we stick around and assist Abie, we will be targeted but what we stand for will be a great asset. If we choose to leave, I will have to go into hiding because the Empire now knows I am still alive. However, they do not know of you which gives you the chance to back out."

Lena nodded and pondered the thought. "Well, it seems like you will be hunted either way. I also want to continue my training so ultimately, I would like to stay with you. But if I do, you need to make me more of a priority. Teach me some more powerful stuff. If we stay, the Empire will eventually know of me, and I need to be equipped to defend myself. And we need to do more than duel and shoot at me. If we are going to be hunted, we might as well do it here and do some good while we are at it. What do you say about that, Hunter?"

The droid gave some cheerful beeps as Lena looked to Rhodes to translate. "He agrees with you and so do I. We will join Cloud Squadron. Prepare two backpacks with supplies to last us three days. Hunter will show you where everything is. We can start the next step of your training after I meet with Abie."

"Yippie!" Lena yelled as she ran to the back of the Kestrel.

Rhodes grinned before heading for the door. He made his way into the Insurgent and eventually found Abie polishing her blaster in her quarters. "Public opinion has shifted to our side," she started, not bothering to look up. "The squadron is organizing a protest at the Empire Day parade. Jordavi is leading the efforts. You are welcome to join us."

"The offer is appreciated but I need to use that time to train Lena. However, I am here to let you know that we have reached a consensus to join Cloud Squadron."

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