Chapter 5: Onwards! To the field of Cherry Blossoms.(Part1)

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Location: Aegis City.

Now packed and ready, the group headed out of the apartment and onto the streets of Aegis City. Originally they were going to tackle the car, but instead chose the train service as it was faster, just a forty-minute journey in contrast to a 3-hour drive. 

Y/N: It will be just two stops, from Aegis station to the Graduate common, then change for Kunai "highlands". But I must ask, where exactly are we going in "Kunai highlands"?

Theresa whips out the device.

Theresa: Thanks to Ai-chan logging into the device, we've integrated this system into your world's network, so now we can get a better and more accurate look at our destination.

Ai-chan there appears on the screen and waves.

Ai-chan: Yep, now I can tag along with you both here and boss' phone.

B/N: How convenient.

 Ai-chan: Mhm, Anyway, from the location given, we're going to some place someplace called the" Old torn shrine". What's that exactly, though?

B/N: Ah! I know that place; it's where offerings to the demon fox were made so that it wouldn't come out and suck the souls of its intended victims.

"O-Offerings?!" Theresa said fearfully, "What does that mean?!"

B/N: Well, you see. A really long time ago, the people living in "Kunai Highlands" found a way to quell the rage of the demon fox by offering sacrifices, and it didn't matter who it would be. Young, old, pretty, ugly, virgin, not virgin. To name a few. Though apparently, the cuter you are, the more likely you're the sacrifice.

Theresa: EEEP!!!

Y/N: B/N! Stop exaggerating the legend of the demon fox!

B/N: I'm not; it's all on my phone, look!

B/N shows the group his phone, which shows an article from "legend of the demon fox". And it's written exactly as B/N stated. Even an old picture of a person could be looks like a sacrifice.

Kiana: W-wow. You weren't kidding.

B/N: Of course not. This stuff isn't a joke; read the next paragraph here.

He swipes down, and the following paragraph is shown:

Through years of historical research, we at "The Tuna History society" have unearthed the truth about the "Legend of the Demon Fox." It is stated that during the 31st of the year's tenth month, the demon fox comes out to wreak havoc on the land. However, there has been no evidence to show that this is true. Thus we at "The Tuna History society" can confirm that this legend is a farce. 

Then again, people still celebrate the day of the demon fox anyway, mainly due to one form of history we discovered several years ago. That is, if, before the 31st of the Tenth month, the legend of the Demon Fox is ever insulted, then the beast shall return and kill everyone. Thus, the day is celebrated for the beast not appearing.

This was an accurate report by the head of  "The Tuna History society." The great MajinHotTuna.

Theresa: S-so . . . as long as no one insults the idea that this Demon Fox exists. . . it won't appear.

B/N: Basically, yes.

Theresa: And have you or Captain  . . .ever insulted the legend.

"Hehehe...  Maybe we did," He says while giving a smirk, making Theresa shiver. "And maybe . . . just maybe . . . do to how cute you are . . . if the beast decides to skip several days before it's meant to appear . . .well, you must be able to guess what I'm saying . . . riiiiiggggghhhhhh--"

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