Chapter 9: (Part 1) That day, when St. Freya got attacked . . . again.

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On board Hyperion:

"So what do you think," One Hyperion worker asks another. "About this world we're now in, compared to ours?"

"Hmm? Well, for starters, there is no Honkai-like at all. This place hasn't had any form of Honkai eruptions or Herrschers. The worst they've ever got was Cancer and "Covid 19."

"Really? Cancer was a big problem until the former Overseer was finally pressurized into finally giving the world the cure, but what is "Covid 19"?

The first one gives the second a file "I was hacking into every government sight this planet has to offer per Dr Tesla's instructions, and while there were crazier worth mentioning, this one caught my eye—the Corona-Virus. Origins are unclear, built linked to living animals sold at the markets in Foshan, Guangdong Province, China.

"China?" The second one asked, "I've never heard of that place, is that a town or city?"

"Neither.  China here is "Shenzou" back home.

"Ah. Okay, I got you."


The two of them jump off their seats and land face-first on the floor as Dr Tesla enters the room.

Tesla: Prepare the memory mining device on the double and . . . why are you two sleeping on the floor?

The two were about to reply, but then Tesla cut them off.

Tesla: You know what, I don't care, get up and do what I just asked.

15 minutes later:

Einstein: Because of recent events, we are certain that Captain's memories are still within the deep recesses of your mind. That brings us to where we are now. 

In the centre of the circular, lightly bright room with the wires exposed on the floor leading outside, Y/N sat on the rather odd yet surprisingly comfortable chair with a dome-like headpiece attached to his head. Everyone( minus Welt cause he had something else to do) else was watching on the other side of a large glass window as Einstein and Tesla typed into a large holographic keyboard.

Kiana: So why is Captain in that large room again? And why does he have that weird hat on?

Tesla: It's not a hat. That device is specifically designed to help whoever is wearing it delve into the deepest recessives of their mind. 

Einstein: The plan is to help him remember what we thought was lost. We're essentially trying to bring back "Captain" in Y/N.

B/N: Oh-okay . . . he'll uh . . . he'll be fine in there, right? 

Theresa: Sure he will; Captain's been through worse anyway.

B/N: Really? Worse how?

Theresa: There was this time when Anti-Entropy first attacked St. Freya.

B/N: St. Freya? What's that?

Theresa: The school I run, I complained to Grandpa, the former Overseer, for some land so I can develop a safe place for girls who suffered because of the Honkai to grow and live normal lives. As well as train in how to fight against the Honkai as well. 

B/N: Oh okay . . . wait! Why only girls?

Alvitir: Cause the ability to adapt Honkai is higher for girls than boys.

B/N: Eh? Your kidding?

Susannah: Nope, she's telling the truth.

B/N: So while all the ladies are getting super cool powers and abilities and whatever, we guys just what . . . die.

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