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"he's never going to give up, is he." yaku watches his ravenette friend scan through his notebook with a smirk.

"i doubt it." kenma sighs, not even needing to look up from his screen to know exactly what his childhood friend is planning.

"how long as this been going on now?" inuoka laughs quietly.

"too long." fukunaga mumbles from next to yamamoto.

tetsurou has a long grin pulled onto his face as he walks into the chemistry department confidently. his strides and long and he stops at nothing to make it to his end destination. he stops at the back desk in the corner, where a student sits and reads, not even peering up to greet him.

he says something with a snigger, earns no response, and skips back out of the lab to his teammates with a determined expression.

"well?" kai asks as his friend sits down next to him.

"attempt 149 has failed." tetsurou crosses off a line in his notebook.

"what's this about?" lev suddenly asks, nudging yaku for some context.

"ever since the beginning of third year, he's been telling this one student a chemistry pick up line every morning. he won't let up."

"i'll get y/n tomorrow." he declares to his teammates, determined to make his biggest dream, aside from winning nationals, come true.

"your funeral, dude."

"y/n! good morning!"

today is tetsurou's 159th attempt at winning your heart.

"good morning kuroo." you don't look up from your phone, sitting and waiting for what he has to say.

"you're made of oxygen and neon, right? because you're definitely the ONe."

you don't react. he sighs and walks away, as he usually does. and has been for the past 159 days. once he's out of sight, you smile to yourself, blush covering your cheeks as your ears become a pinkish red.

attempt 234

"hey y/n."


"i must be magnesium and you must be oxygen because i light up when I'm with you."

"have a good day, kuroo."

attempt 259





"are you made of carbon? because it feels like my world revolves around you."

attempt 299

"hey, y/n."

"hello kuroo."

"you must be a compound of barium and beryllium because you're a total BaBe."

"look, y/n." "

you hum.

"this is the last time i will do this."

you look up from your book, meeting his captivating eyes for the first time that entire year. "why?"

"i'm going to nationals today. and we're both graduating after that. this is my last try."

"very well."

you look away again, your heart dropping more than you would have liked it to.

"i might be a chemistry major, but i'd never Bohr you."


tetsurou's heart breaks in an instant once he gets no response. no reaction. not even a single movement. he lets out a shaky sigh, biting back the tears which threaten to spill.

"goodbye, y/n."

"shit, goddamnit!"

tetsurou loads his things onto the bus, hood pulled over his head and his hoody zipped up tight. each and every one of his teammates knows what's happened, and decide to let him think. they feel too much sympathy for him to even try make him feel better.

"all ready?" nekomata asks his captain. tetsurou looks at him with pain staked eyes. "yes sir."

kuroo steps onto the bus, looking back at the school he had grown to love over the years. "let's g-"

"tetsurou! wait!"

he stops, turning around to watch a small figure sprint from the school gates to the bus. his eyes widen. "give me a minute, coach."

he steps off of the bus hesitantly, seeing you drop down onto your knees and pant as you catch your breath. you look up at him. he sees the regret in your eyes. in this case, he waits for you to say something.

"i-i'm-" you heave.

"i'm so strongly attracted to you, scientists will have to discover a fifth f-fundamental force." you cringe through the entire sentence, watching tetsurou's face twist from pain to confusion to bewilderment.

"i-" you cough, wiping the sweat from your forehead.

"are you an anion? b-because I'm positive we're meant to be together.. we have such great chemistry that we should do some biology together some time uhm-"

you stands up to shakily take his large, calloused hands in yours.

"could you tell me the oxidation state of an atom and your phone number?"

the ravenette smiles down at you gently as he pulls his hood off of his head, so that you can see his expression of delight. he leans down to press his forehead against yours lips interlocking with yours just long enough for a sweet and tender kiss. he pulls away and mumbles against them with fulfilment.

"i'd like that."

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