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"you've always liked coming here at the strangest times, haven't you."

it's 23:18, twelve minutes before closing time. you walk in last minute, hair astray and your face distraught. you pick up a packet of cigarettes and a bottle of asahi, now stood at the till opposite your old best friend from highschool, keishin. 

"means there's no one around other than you to bother me." you mumble, handing him the yen and taking your items in return. "plus, they have the good cigs here." you spot a lighter on the counter and use it to light one resting between your lips, tossing it back to him. "see you later." 

two days later, you show up at 23:20, exactly ten minutes before closing time. 

"you know," keishin scans your things. "you could afford to actually sleep sometimes." he judges your deep eye-bags from afar. "can't," you sigh, leaning against the counter for some stability. "and why is that?" keishin crosses his arms. 

"deadline." you take the plastic bag. "see ya." 

it's a friday night in sendai. the time is 23:28. "you keep testing my times. i was about to close up."

"i'll be out before you know it." you wave him off, this time only snatching a few energy drinks and handing him the yen. "i have business to attend to, as well." you walk away, shoulders hunched and your mouth dry. "you mean staying up all night and crying while you work?" keishin confronts with a scoff.

you stop in the door way, a sigh escaping your mouth before you continue on your trip home.

you walk home from your bus, the moon at its apex and your mental stability six foot under. your feet drag themselves, your bags feel so heavy, you think you could collapse at any time. every few days, you show up at sakanoshita mart, buy some things, mope about your life, and then go home to drink and work. 

you detest your job. seriously, you do. but then again, you have no choice but to work. 

your father is on his last legs. somebody has to pay for his life support. and with no family other than him left, that someone has no choice but to be you. 

it's 23:37. your bus was delayed. you shuffle down the hill, eyes falling up sakanoshita mart. it was originally your plan to pick up some more red bull since you ran out today, but perhaps that would have to wait. 

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