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a/n: thank you to anonymous for the request <33

"he's just- hgr, sometimes, you know." akaashi pulls at his hair, sitting outside on the steps with washio and konoha, currently on a break from practice. 

"yeah yeah, i know." washio mumbles. "it's so difficult working with him sometimes." konoha adds. akaashi sighs. "don't get me wrong. he's a lovable guy, he's my best friend, but sometimes he's just so insufferable." 

"bokuto's mood swings are really annoying sometimes, aren't they." konoha grumbles, taking a sip of his water. 

and while the two third years and second year let out their frustration, they don't realise their captain stood in the doorway, smile that was on his face before now completely faded. he was just about to apprise them that break was over, but he suddenly feels no need to. instead, he bites his lip so hard it draws blood, and slams the door shut, effectively locking them out. 

"hey what's- bokuto?" wataru trails off, watching his upperclassmen storm out of the gym with tears springing in his eyes. he slams said door shut behind him dramatically too, ignoring all of his teammates' and coaches' eyes. 

"hey!" washio pounds on the outside door. "the fuck?! let us in!" kaori rushes to the door, pulling it open for her players. "what was that about?" "i have no idea!" kaori raises her hands above her head. "bokuto just stormed off randomly." "huh, weird." 

coach yamiji sighs and pushes up his glasses. "akaashi, please fetch bokuto for me. he'll be around here somewhere." akaashi wordlessly bows and walks off, changing back to his outside shoes once he exits the gym. he wanders off to the water fountain, the second gym, and the changing room, but by the time he gets there, his belongings are already gone. 

meanwhile, bokuto knocks on your shared apartment door; he had forgotten his keys this morning. his hood is pulled over his head and his eyes focus on his shoes and nowhere else. the door opens by an inch, and then fully. "oh- hey kou," you smile softly at your boyfriend. "shouldn't you be at practice..?" you trail off, noticing his state.

his hood is pulled over his head, and the tips of his hair droop harshly. his face is pulled into a frown, and he steadily shuffles into your apartment, dropping his bag by the door. "hey, what's wrong?" you grab onto his wrist softly, but he tugs it away, and locks himself in your shared bathroom, the boiler switching on as the shower begins to run.

you sigh, rubbing your eyes. you snatch your phone once you lay yourself down on your bed, opening messages and messaging your brother. 

y/n akaashi
did something happen during practise today?
5:02 PM


keiji akaashi
not that i'm aware of, why?
5:03 PM


y/n akaashi
koutarou's upset, more than usual
did he lose a match or anything?
5:03 PM


keiji akaashi
no, none. 
it might just be one of those days,
he was fine during practise.
5:04 PM


y/n akaashi
he's never this upset, keiji
delivered 5:04 PM


you scoff and put your phone to the side, hearing the bathroom door squeak open and closed gently. koutarou walks into the bedroom in fresh clothes and damp hair. he kind of just stands there in the hallway, staring at you with his sulky puppy eyes. 

you sigh, and prop yourself up on your elbows. "yes, kou?" "wa.. c... d.. mhp.." he mumbles so quietly you don't catch a single word. "what was that, darling?"

"want cuddles." he speaks louder this time, pouting throughout the entire two-worded sentence. "come here, baby." you open your arms to him, and he practically jumps into them. his legs intertwine with yours and his arms wrap around your waist. he hides his face in the crook of your neck, sniffling softly. "what's wrong, kou." you coo softly, running your fingers through his hair. 

" you think i'm insufferable?"

your heart sinks, and you immediately grab onto your boyfriend tighter. "no baby of course not, never! what makes you think that?" "the guys-" he chokes on his words. "konoha and washio and akaashi they-" your eyes darken. "they what?" 

"they were talking about me.." he cries softly. "saying i'm annoying, and difficult, and insufferable.." that breaks your heart, and you hold onto him in the most comforting way you could. "no, no, koutarou. they don't mean it." you shush him softly, wiping the tears that fall from his beautiful golden irises. "they did, y/n." he whimpers. "every word. and the worst part is," 

"i don't even know what insufferable means!"

he sobs into your neck, now unable to stop the tears which fall. "oh baby." you console, stroking his hair softly as you allow him to release all of his pent up pain and sorrow. "it's okay, kou. it's all gonna be okay."

"why are you even with me, y/n? i'm so annoying and useless and-" 

you crash your lips into his, a single tear rolling down your cheek as you hold him closer than you ever have. he tries to push you away stubbornly, before melting into you and stroking your cheeks softly. "no you're not, koutarou. you never have been, and you never will be." you whisper to him as you crawl into his lap. 

"we've been dating for four years now, haven't we?" you laugh softly, and he does too, but his smile is incredibly short-lived. "do you feel forced to stay with me?" he then blurts out. "no. never." you respond firmly, looking deeply into his eyes affectionately. 

"the only thing i have ever thought you are to me," he winces, ready for the impact. but, that impact never came. and he cries harder into you, but this time, it's out of happiness. he feels his sadness fade away, just from being around you for five minutes.

"is perfect."

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