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a/n: thank you @myself for the request
im using this to cope so don't mind
also kei is lowkey OOC in this but i love me some tsundere tsukishima

you laugh softly at yamaguchi's awkward attempt at a joke, leaning back in your desk chair as you watch your boyfriend kei and his childhood best friend bicker back and forth during lunch break. "i-" your phone rings, and you pause.

"one second guys." you gesture towards your phone, excusing yourself. "hello? oh hey dad." you push open the door to the roof, closing it behind you to lean against the wall. you stay silent as he blubbers out a few stuttered sentences, and then it hits you. your phone falls out of your hand, and you feel your stomach churn sickeningly.

you hear the sound of your father calling your name over the phone from the floor, but you ignore it as you bring a hand to your mouth. your legs tremble and give out, your back slides down against the wall until your head is buried in your knees. you hear the bell ring, lunch is over. not like you care. there was no way you were going to class now.


kei sits and wonders. now that he's a second year, deskmates had been installed to increase sociability. and you, his deskmate, his favourite person whom he couldn't really handle class without, were missing. he frowns, the first few minutes he brushes off as you still being on the phone. but when ten minutes morph into thirty, he knows something was wrong.

he was going to raise his hand to excuse himself to the bathroom, but his teacher beats him to it, asking him to go and search for you. you hadn't been absent the last few lessons prior, and you missing class was unusual. he bows, and exits quietly.

he first tries to ring you. it goes to voicemail. he tries to text you. the message doesn't go through. he checks your whatsapp status. it's empty. your phone is dead. and it annoyingly, makes his search a thousand times harder.

he checks the yard, the bathrooms, your locker, the storage room, everything's empty like a ghost town. and even though he knows the roof is prohibited during lesson time, he has no choice but to look. you're his number one priority. what's a little bit of scolding going to do?

he leans against the door with his shoulder and shoves it open, the summer breeze flowing through his uncut hair. he timidly glances around, until his eyes wander down towards your small frame. you're tucked into a foetal position, rocking back and forth as you choke out sobs and sniffles.

his heart drops.

he slams the door behind him and drops to his knees. his first instinct, to pull you as close as he physically can and hold you. and so he does. he picks your shaking frame up and places you on his lap, cradling your head against his neck, holding your waist tight.

you instinctively grip onto his jumper, snuggling further into the crook of his neck to get a whiff of his musky cologne. your sobs grow louder as soon as you're in the comfort of him, and his soothing shushes as he rubs your back affectionately don't make you feel ashamed to be doing so. "it's okay, baby. let it out," he whispers in your ear, running his slender fingers through your hair.

he feels for you. really, he does. he refuses to let his rough exterior get to you in a time like this. his heart breaks at the sheer sight of you in any possible sign of physical or mental pain. he has no idea what happened, who happened or why happened, but he can figure that out in his own time later.

once your wretched and broken sobs turn to sniffles, he pulls away to wipe your tear stained cheeks affectionately with his thumbs. "don't look at me." you mumble, pushing his face away and hiding your own in his chest again. "why?" he asks softly, you can feel the rumble in his chest. "'m an ugly crier." you reply quietly, feeling him chuckle gently.

he pulls you up and presses a soft kiss to your lips. "never. you're beautiful, my love."

before you can register what happens next, kei hoists you up into the air, and you instinctively wrap your legs around his waist for extra stability. "p-put me down!" you squeak, though you make no actual move to escape his hold. "sorry. can't hear you." he mumbles, holding your hips as he kicks open the door, taking you back into the air conditioned hallways. "what are you doing?! what if a teacher sees- put me down, kei!" you whisper-shout out of panic, though kei only hums sarcastically as he walks towards the classroom.

he puts you down once you make it to the door. "i-i'm not going in there. it's embarrassing. say you didn't find me." you whisper as he walks away into the the classroom ignorantly. though it seems he didn't exactly register what you had said. he however, instantly returns with two bags slung over his front. "uhm.. what are you doing..?" you wipe your eyes with the back of your hand. 

"taking you home, genius. tadashi's covering for me." he bends down, and gestures towards his back. "now are you coming or not?"

the walk back to your apartment is silent. kei's headphones are on your head, and you listen to the playlist he's made for you as you think. you don't have the energy to say anything, kei respects that. he only wishes to take care of you. so that, he will.

once he makes it to your apartment, he places you down on your bed, throws an extra hoodie he carries around with him for your sake at you, a random pair of joggers too. he simply closes the door behind him, and leaves. and by the time he returns, you're sat curled up in your blankets, head buried in your hands, tears streaming down your face again.

he reacts fast. he places the hot tea he made for you down on the bedside table, and crawls towards you. he once again, much like earlier, cradles you like he would a baby. you can't stop your mind from running faster than a bullet train, nor can you cease your tears. you feel pathetic, crying the way you do in front of kei. though he somehow doesn't seem to particularly mind. "sh.." he whispers. "i'm here for you."

if anything, his comforting words make you cry harder. and once he takes notice of it, he decides to shut up. he wipes the tears as they flow, and presses kisses to your cheeks, nose, closed eyelids, anywhere he can access in the awkward position he holds you in. "you know," he begins. "i remember holding you like this when we were kids." he doesn't expect you to respond, or even register his words.

"you came running to me, in first year of junior high. some kids had bullied you because you were a nerd.. like me. liking dinosaurs seemed lame once you got past the age of ten." he strokes your hair, and he notices you beginning to sniff less. "i held you, protectively. i had learned you liked it the most when there was no gap between us." he presses a kiss to your forehead. "i kissed your forehead. just like this. but it was an accident. and it flustered the both of us. dumb kids, we were." he snickers.

"i then left you by my desk with my headphones on your head, and i went to beat up those kids. it got me suspended for a day." he sighs with a small grin on his face. "it was so worth it though." he looks into your bloodshot eyes. "anything is worth it for you."

he gets the both of you comfortable under your sheets, and turns on your comfort movie. he knows every little thing about you, and he knows that having someone like that in your life is like a refreshing glass of water on a humid afternoon. it makes you appreciate it. more than you would on a normal day.

you never told him what actually happened that day. he didn't press about it until a few weeks after. he didn't need to know what happened to comfort you, either.

he simply held you until your grip on his slender fingers grew weak, and your breathing steadied itself. he then reached over to close the blinds, and placed your laptop to the side. he stared at your sleeping face for a few moments in time, simply taking a few seconds to appreciate how cute you looked when you were asleep.

and it seemed that once his breathing matched up with yours, that falling asleep came easier than ever. especially when he could hold you in his arms. 

𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐊𝐘𝐔𝐔 | oneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora