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"can i come over?"

it's a friday night. you sit in front of your laptop, typing an essay as your childhood friend, tooru, whines to you about his shitty day. "i don't know, can you?" you mumble, only half listening to what he has to say. "i need to stay with someone..!" he whines childishly. "just stay at hajime's house then." you reference to the third part of your childhood triangle. 

"he's busy!" 

"why!" you groan, snapping your laptop shut and rubbing your eyes. "fine. come over." "thank you y/n-chan~" 

not even five minutes later, three soft bangs sound through your apartment. you push your coffee to the side and slide over to the door, opening it by an inch, and then fully. tooru looks down at the floor, hood pulled over his head. "what's up with you." you snort, pulling him in and locking the door. 

he mumbles a half-assed hello and immediately shuffles through your studio apartment, burying his head in your pillows. you sigh, sitting yourself back down on your kitchen island to finish your essay. 

tooru doesn't move from his position, only ruffling his messy hair every few minutes or scratching his face. though the awkward silence between the two of you begins to annoy you. so much, that you find it impossible to finish your homework. you groan and place your empty mug in the sink, then making your way over to your bed. 

tooru feels the mattress sink, and he instinctively rolls over to place his head on your lap. you rake your fingers through his knotted hair, smoothing it out for him. "what's going on." you coo softly, helping him take his rain jacket off. he looks up at you with those wide, innocent doe eyes of his. 


"am i a shitty person?"

you raise a brow. "no, not really. why?"

"i've never been able to maintain a stable relationship.." he mumbles. "you only notice that now?" you snort, slapping his forehead gently. "not helping!" he groans, pushing your hand away. 

"okay okay, sorry." you smile softly. "did ryoko break up with you?" he shakes his head. "did you break up with her." he reluctantly nods. "and why is that?" the sweet tone you hold throughout the entire conversation perplexes tooru. you have such a beautiful voice, why aren't you scolding him?

"i decided i needed to stop constantly dating new people. it was.. damaging, i suppose."

he doesn't receive a reply. he looks up to your chin, seeing you stare at the poster on the opposite wall. you're mad at him. for sure this time. 

as he sighs and begins to push himself up to leave, you push him back down. "well done, tooru."

"uh?" he looks up at you, to see a proud smile on your face. "you're finally growing up."

"don't say it like i'm your son!" he whines, hiding his face in your stomach again. "no, really, tooru. i'm very proud. it was a smart decision to make. as expected of seijoh's captain, of course." "you flatter me." he sighs, kneading your jumper in his hands. 

"as if everyone else doesn't do that already." you scoff.

"so, why are you a supposed shitty person? it's not because hajime and i call you shittykawa, is it?"

"no, no, it isn't." he sighs. "i just kinda.. feel bad."

"what for?"

"for breaking all of those girl's hearts. i've dated about 25 in the past year, and i'm only just realising that it was so shitty of me."

"the fact that you realised that alone, is enough to show that you are far from a shitty person." you stroke his head affectionately. he groans and sits up, leaning back on his forearms.

"but what if i can never date again? what if no one will ever like me like all of those girls did? i took them for granted! all because i like someone, but they won't want to date me because of my reputati- mph!" 

you shut him up with a gentle peck. it's not long, only a few seconds. tooru doesn't get the chance to kiss back. "you talk to much." you whisper against his lips, giving him another soft kiss. this time he reciprocates it with so much gratitude and love, you think it might kill you. he breaks away, lips parted lazily, holding your cheeks in his hands. 

"i like you." you confess completely honestly, forcing him to stare into your eyes with his own. 

tooru's cheeks tint red, and he pouts softly, looking away to mumble a 'i like you too' in return. "since when do you get flustered from confessions, hm?" you tease, poking his cheek.

"it's different when it comes from you." he admits quietly, gripping your hoodie so hard it crumples when he lets go. "and why is that?" 


you smile, and scratch his scalp gently. "how about some dinner. have you eaten?" "no.."

"come on. we can pick and choose. i might have some milk bread leftove-" he jumps up from your lap, almost slipping on the floorboards as he dashes to your pantry. "i should have just said that when you came in." you mumble, pushing yourself up and following him into the kitchen. "you can't just have milk bread for dinn-" "yes i can!" he grumbles, mouth full with bread. "stop interrupting me!" you hiss, hitting him over the head as you walk to your fridge. 

"i'll make stir fry, yeah?" 

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