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it's the last week before school is over.

for good.

now in your third year, you sit patiently at your shared desk, your deskmate, fiddling with a pen.

nobody makes any small talk whatsoever. the clock strikes 9am, and the teacher stands up to hand out the end of year exam. this exam covers everything from every subject you've gone over and learned through the past five years, all crammed into one fifty page test.

the air is tense, but all focus is on you, and the boy sitting beside you. 

because the second it's handed out, everything becomes a race. 

you manage to write your name first; he manages to open the first page first; you finish the english segment first; he solves the first mathematics equation of a dozen first; you both flip over to the science segment at the same time; he finishes the practical questions first, whereas you skip over those and work on the technical ones first.

every single part of this test is nothing short of a competition. and god does it make your heart race in the most pleasurable way. you've spent all year revising for this three hour long paper. every single second you've spent learning, reading, writing, it all now has to come to use. 

the three hours pass over quickly. 

but in hindsight, he finishes first. he's sat there, smug in his chair, arms crossed over one another as you finish your essay. you slam the paper closed for dramatic effect, not even looking through your answers. if he doesn't do it, neither do you. you're positive in your answers. surely they are nothing less than absolute. 

"did you skip any questions." yuji leans over to whisper to you. 

you shake your head, taking a sip of water from your bottle.

"shit." he hisses, picking up his pen and going back to the history section. you smirk in a small victory. he spends the remaining twenty minutes trying to wrack his brain for dates and names. he's always fallen short in history. but of course there was no way he'd let that be his downfall. 

"pens down."

yuji seems more visibly relaxed, now placing his pen to the side and side eyeing you smugly. you only glare in return, handing your paper to the examiner. she dismisses you, and the two of your make it out of the classroom first. 

"yo! terushima!" bobata calls out to him, waving. "sup!- where are you going?" you walk in the opposite direction, only mumbling "library" to him before you've turned the corner. "so am i." he whispers, ignoring the whines he gets from his friends as he follows behind you.

"for being the top of the school, they sure are dumbasses." 



you ignore yuji's calls as you make your way past the crowds. today was the day you had prepared for havoc. you can see students crying, some cheering, some expressionless. and safe to say you were very happy about your grades. not that it would actually show though. 


his voice is harsher, he begins to push through the crowds, trying to reach you before you leave the school building. "fucking hell-" you open your locker, bag open and ready for your things.

but before even given a chance to do so, your locker is slammed closed and your back is pushed against it, all in one quick motion. yuji towers over you, breathing heavily against your face. "how the hell did you get 105%." he growls, pressing against your shoulders. 

"i don't know what you're talking about." you try to shove him off, but his strength is persistent. 

"it was nepotism, huh?! you're favourited by our teachers! is that it?!" 

students begin to take note of your squabble, and a small crowd begins to form, interested. "as if." you scoff. "you're just mad there's an eight percent difference." "don't you fucking dare." he hisses, slamming his palm against your lips. 

you bite his palm, tugging it away from your mouth. "i wonder if it was that history question. you know, the one that took you half an hour when it took me a fifth-" "you better shut your mouth before i do it myself." yuji pushes his forehead against yours, you reciprocate it by brushing your lips against his.

"what are you gonna do about it, yuji?" 

"i'm gonna-"

"oi! stop clogging up the hallways!" the sound of new caused chaos takes the both of you out of your bubble. the crowd disperses and you gently shove terushima away. you don't pay a second mind to him as you scoff at him and gather the rest of your thinks. "later, yuji."

"dude? what was up with that?" yuji leans against your now empty locker. "do you guys know where she's going to uni?" "uh.. nagoya, right? she got into that really prestigious school." yuji mindlessly nods his head for a few seconds, not even clocking his words as he looks out the window. "wait- what?!"


"wow it's almost as if i've been here before." you mumble with a roll of your eyes, making your way through the campus to the school gate. this is the final time you'd be leaving, excitement bubbled in your chest, though blatantly ruined by the blonde sprinting after you.


you groan as you're pinned against the wall for the second time. "what's up with you and violence lately?" you mumble, dropping your bags on the floor when his hands envelop yours. "why- why didn't you tell me?" his eyebrows are creased. 

"what do you mean?"

"you're moving across the fucking country, y/n. you never told me i- i thought i had time.."

"time for what?" 

"to tell you i love you, dumbass!"

he sighs and hides his head in the crook of your neck in embarassment. "i didn't think this through, well, i did on the twenty second run here. i-i really.. really. i fucking love you. and i realised it ages ago but i never told you. i thought i had time but it slipped through my fingers and-"

"will you just shut the fuck up already?"

yuji's blood runs cold as he picks his head up to look you in the eyes. "just a three word confession is enough." you thread your hands through his hair. "i know you like me. i was just waiting for you to man up and do it." your lips gently press themselves against him; yuji instantly melts into you. it was a brief kiss, you aren't into PDA. 

"but seriously. what question got you so many marks wrong?"

"i answered all the questions in the history section by one place. i only had time to change a few before the time was up.." you shake your head, kissing him again.

"at least you were first at something.."

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