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a/n: today i learned what kind of sad shit i can pull when i forget to take my medication
I totally didn't cry when writing this.

it was strange seeing kei take such a sudden interest in reading. 

he had always been studious, but he had never taken the time to sit down and read when he wasn't busy. not until now. 

he began spending more of his time that was usually spent watching television or cuddling together, curled up with a book instead. with you by his side, of course. what kind of man would he be if you weren't there, reading along?

it didn't take long for a new shelf to be installed in your living room, nor did it take long for the shelves to fill up, sorted in alphabetical order. you'd sit together at the end of the month, sorting all the new books he had read throughout the month. he'd store the books that belonged on the top shelves, while you'd do the bottom ones.

his interest in books ranged from some of the oldest literature books which didn't remotely make any sense with words which hadn't been used for hundreds of years, to modern, with, in all honesty, poorly written and minimalistic romance books. 

you had been incredibly positive with his sudden interest in books. any author such as yourself would have been. pricing of said books was irrelevant, sometimes you'd lend him some of yours, and tell him to keep it when he'd shuffle into your office with the pages just a little more bent than before. 

"hey sweetheart." 

kei lays in between your legs, almost finished with the last book in the shakespeare book collection you had gifted him for his 22nd birthday, something he had never bothered to pick up until now, five years later. you hum, taking one hand away from your phone to pet his curly hair. "i'd like to go the bookstore tomorrow. it's the end of the month."

"of course. how about we go at midday? we can get some lunch, too."

he nods, only somewhat catching your words as he flips the page, frowning when there isn't another page to read. "sounds good." he mumbles, shutting the book, placing it down and turning around to wrap his arms around you, resting his head in the crook of your neck. 

"do you have any recommendations?" 

you laugh, hands intertwined with kei's as he drags you into the store. "i only have so many, kei. you've already read all i have to offer." "useless, as usual." he smirks, ignoring the jab to the side. "crime and punishment.." he mumbles in interest, picking up a book on display. "that is a good read actually." you add in, seeing him cock his head to the side to glare. "let me know if your genius brain gets any other genius ideas."

"i'd appreciate if you paid more attention to me, instead of that book. fyodor dostoevsky can wait." 

the two of you sit in the cafe, hot drinks half drank, waiting for your food. "he in fact," he licks his index finger to flip to the next page. "cannot." 

you find yourself smiling at him. seeing his glasses slip down to the end of his nose. he looks like your grandfather trying to read the daily paper. you very subtly pull out your phone, taking the slyest photo you've ever taken before dipping it back down under the table "i saw that." he mumbles, placing the book down as the waiter approaches. 

he didn't. but he heard your little snicker, and that was all he needed.

the first time you had ever been a little bit concerned, was when you woke up in the middle night at two in the morning, to see your husband's face still in the same position it was when you had gone to sleep two hours ago. the only difference is his blood shot eyes, and the subtle confusion in his eyebrows. 

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