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thank you crxywxy for the request! <33


kentarou looks up from his phone, to see his desk mate dashing towards him and eagerly taking a seat next to him. "good morning!" you beam. all you receive is a curt nod, and his honey-brown irises are focused on his phone again. "how was your night?" "..fine, i guess." he mumbles back. he continues before you can ask another question. "hey, y/n..?"

"yeah?" you immediately give him your full attention. "why do you choose to stick around with me?" "uh?" you press a hand to your chin. "well, if i'm not here.. then no one will be around to remind you just how amazing you are!" you pull out your books. "you're not getting rid of me that easily." 

kentarou pulls out his books too, subconsciously grinning to himself as he does so. 'i guess you're not that bad to keep around' he thinks to himself as the first lesson of the day begins. 

"good morning, kyoken-chan.." you whisper to the sleeping boy next to you, poking his cheek, giggling when you only receive a raspy hum in return. "desk.." he mumbles. "eh?" you lean in closer. "under.. desk.." he repeats, then digging his head into his arms to hide his blush. 

you peer under your desk to find a plastic bag from 8-eleven with a sticky note messily taped to the handle. it reads, in the messiest handwriting you've ever seen: don't make this weird, i saw this in the store. figured you'd like it. inside it, wasn't anything from 8-eleven, but an adorable piece of jewellery from the pokemon store. your eyes light up, and take it in your hands. "how did you know this was my favourite pokemon?" 

you shake his shoulders excitedly. "just a hunch, i guess." he yawns, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "oh, kyoken-chan.." you giggle, bringing your thumb up to his face. "you smudged your eyeliner." you neaten up the black pencil liner, then holding up the necklace to his face. "can you put it on for me?" "mh.. kay." you sit with your back to him, moving your hair out of the way. 

he gently brings his arms around you, then taking his sweet time to fumble with the clasp. he growls to himself once it doesn't go his way, but with a little bit of struggle and patience, he clasps it closed, and adjusts it for you. you turn around back to him, beaming. "how does it look?" 

blood rushes to his ears and nose, and he looks away awkwardly. "it.. it suits you." 

"thank you, kentarou!" you smile, leaning towards him and pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. "see you later!" you wave, slinging your bag over your shoulder and dashing towards your first class. his classmates look at him with knowing smirks on their faces, watching the tsundere press a hand to his jaw where you had kissed him, smiling ever so softly. 

'god, y/n.. what are you doing to me?'

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