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a/n thank you Froggo198 for the request! i got a little bit distracted and it isn't really as sad as i wanted it to me.. but i hope it's still okay with you!!

to: kageyamatobii20@gmail.com 
from: anonymous@gmail.com

today i'm aching. aching to be close to you. to look into your deep ocean eyes and touch your porcelain face, trace your jaw with my fingertips. you are so perfect beyond words, it creates a constant ache in my heart and i don't know how much longer i will be able to endure it.

we are both soon to graduate; exciting, isn't it?

though i think i'll always miss this feeling of being around you. i don't know to forget you, in fact i doubt i ever will.

but until this comes to an end, allow me to shower you in poetry, words of appreciation, let me spoil you, tobio.

love, anonymous.

tobio frowns deeply, reading over the italic letters again, bright computer screen illuminating his face. he couldn't help but spring out of bed when the 27th letter of the past year were to be delivered at it's weekly time, friday 12am. 

he slides the email into his folder, among the many more. he doesn't understand. not a single part. in fact even the poetry on it's own is difficult for him to understand, he quit japanese literature classes in his second year. so these words purposed to be meaningful are nothing more than.. rubbish, i suppose. or perhaps that's too harsh. i think a word like futile is better suited. 

he finds this anonymous person, cowardly. if they really love him so much, they might as well talk to him face to face. maybe they're afraid of rejection? that's always a possibility. he thinks to himself, slipping beneath the covers. 

he's so desperate to find out who anonymous is, it may just kill him.

to: kageyamatobii20@gmail.com
from: anonymous@gmail.com

last night, my mind was only plagued by you.

however i worry, that you will not find me. because if you don't, then i will leave this behind.
i am a coward, you see? all my life, i've found solace in letting others do the work for me. and now that i'm an adult, i have no parent to hide behind. my shield is broken, and now i can only crouch with my hands over my head in hopes of any good fortune.

you. it will always be you. i hope you get that. if i had the choice between you and a million things i've always wanted, i would choose you every single time.

i often wonder if you've ever felt such a thing as love. god, with that handsome exterior of ice, it's difficult to tell. but i'm sure you know that it's such inevitability; falling i love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time. 

love, anonymous.

"your admirer again?"

hinata sits himself down next to tobio, reading over the words on tobio's phone. "that's pretty deep, don't you think? i'd love to get letters like that." he groans, leaning his head on the table.

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