Star-glazed #5

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Five years later.

"And the award for best actress of the year goes to...Lavanya Salgaonkar for biopic of Rani Ahilya bai." The venue echoed from the claps of the auditorium, cameras started to flash, and some lips pursed in disappointment. But first time in last five years, the said actress came to receive award herself. She adorned a fuchsia shoulder less ball gown, which matched perfectly with her stellitoes and reihnstone clutch. It was her third award since she debuted as an adult five years ago, but she never came to gather one. When Sana got to know that Lavanya was nominated, she forced her out to go and collect it herself, showing the world that she wasn't afraid of the camera.

Five years ago, it took everything and more for Advik to convince Lavanya to come back. One week passed, and he was still staying in the same hotel, which irked Arjun and Danish. Lavanya 's resolution was slowly broke, and she finally said yes to his proposal.

It was a breaking news when Advik came back to work after almost a year because he took another half to convince the director and producer to give Lavanya a break. Which strangely no one wants to give. The hypocrisy of the industry was that no one wanted to launch a twenty-three years old actress after such a long break, but everyone wanted to be the first to work with Advik. After one director casted both of them and the movie went to win several accolades, including Lavanya winning best actress in debut role, she never looked back. But she never did an interview. Every statement that was released was always from her P.R. department. She never made a public appearance in any award shows or interview, nor did she ever promote her films, except a few Instagram lives and social media posts, by her pr team. It was hard for her, especially in today's world, when show off is everything, but she managed.

But today was different. She wanted to show the world that she was not afraid of anything, well maybe she needed a little persuasion from her friend, Sana too. She threatened her to get out and show her face to the world other than movies.

"Thank you for this award today," she started her thank you speech, "I would like to pay my gratitude towards my first director, who trusted me and gave me a break, and the director and producers of this film, Mr. Bhansali, who saw a potential in me and offered me such an epic movie. I would also like to say thanks to the entire crew member, my pr team, my manager, and my friends who helped me prepare in and out the set. But most of all, I would like to thank my fans for supporting me every time. They are my constant support pillars. Also, last but not least, I would like to say thank you to my trolls and negative critics. They helped me realize that I can prove them wrong every time by my performances. Thankyou, have a great night." She ended her speech. The venue once again echoed with applause, but one person was very disappointed.

"Uff." I couldn't wait to come home tonight. Do you have any idea how difficult it was for me to stay there till the ceremony." Lavanya groaned while removing her makeup. She ran out of the venue as soon as she could and landed straight into Sana's apartment.

Sana, who was cradling her cup of green tea, said, "You are always welcome here, babe. But Zain would definitely have kicked you out of the house if he saw you here. But lucky you,  he is on a work trip."

Lavanya pouted on brazen comments. She knew Sana and Zain wanted nothing but good for her. She feigned to be hurt and put her hands on her chest, "I am hurt, my friend."

They both laughed before Lavanya's phone beeped, fishing out her ohone she gave her soup a stir. "Oh, look, it's the video of my first award receiving speech." She sent the video on Sana's phone.

"Girl, you did not do that." Sana's eyes almost fell out of her sockets. "This was your first speech ever." When Lavanya did not respond, "you did not mention Advik in your speech." She tched.

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