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Apologies and Realization:

After barging out of the café Shanaya was feeling little bit uneasy, not because Arav knew her past but because she shouted on him in front of everybody. She was more furious by the fact that why it is bothering her, isn't it true that she wanted her image to be spotless? And if her past failed love life is going to leak she'll be losing any opportunity in acting line or so she thought plus there was her father's image she can't ruin. Well she already did it by shouting at Arav tonight.

"Argh...What was I even thinking?" she shouted while popping the bubbles in frustration of her bubble bath which she was taking to ease her nerves but it wasn't helping. In her raised temper she already destroyed her expensive antique room decors. Her room was a thrash now. She stepped out of the bath in her scarlet slilk bathrobe. Entering into her room she carefully tiptoed around the room as to not get hurt by broken glass and ceramic peices, towards her balcony to get some fresh air. She sat down on her canopy swing there and was playing with her wet hairs while she was thinking what she should do now.

After thinking for what seems to be hours she decided to sleep and the first thing she'll do the next day would be apologizing to him, which mind you, is the toughest thing she'll ever do, ever did.

It's already the tenth day since the café incident and she can't muster the courage to apologize. Every time she saw his name in contact list she remember his emotions filled eyes and a pang of guilt run into her heart and all courage fades away. 'What if he did not accept my apology and insult me or what if he deleted or blocked my number?' with these thoughts she deleted countless messages she written at gym, shoot breaks, make-up parlor or at her home and other times she didn't even touch her phone.

Today she was at her car returning from one of her shoot she decided to do it. She took out her pink iPhone and texted him, Wanna talk. At café near your house.

He was at parking lot when her phone buzzed. He could have ignored it but for some reason he decided against it. It was hers. 'Wow she wants to meet. Another round of insult. Well I am not going.' And he stood her up.

She waited for him at the café at same table they shared few days ago. She was anxiously playing with her fingers thinking what would she say to him, how would she apologize. After all she never did this. She even crossed her fingers praying her fashion idols to help her doing everything right tonight. After one hour and four black coffees she realized that he stood her up. 'How dare he stood me up?' she thought to herself and all her anxiety turned into anger, she got up furiously and in the process knocked the chair down. Once again she barged out of the café stomping her feet and if she was walking on soiled floor her heels would dug atleast few centimeters holes in it.

Due to his dead line he has given to himself for his program he skipped cooking of dinner and instead he cooked instant noodles for himself and was about to serve himself when he heard a loud bang on his door. Due to sudden sound he got scared and jumped almost to his kitchen's ceiling and was about to drop his food for tonight. He put his hand on his chest and patted it several times and breathes a mouthful air out. The door banged again and he jerked on it.

"Coming", he called out. Within four long strides he was at his front door and opened it. As soon as he opens it he saw a female figure standing in black tank top and same color jeans. Anger was written all over her face and his eyes were wide both in surprise and fear.

"Yoouu..." she squealed and he shut the door on her face with a bang. He quickly turn around resting his back on the door and breathed heavily. 'What the hell is she doing here?' he asked to himself. Suddenly he felt his heart beating like drum when he heard equally loud knock on the door.

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