Chapter 3 - You're lying

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(Madison played by Elle Fanning)

Andrea POV

I fall to the floor from exhaustion, my black veins disperse and my eyes return to brown.

Natasha Romanoff has fully healed, the skin sewed itself together the lung has fully healed and she has never been healthier.

"What the hell is going on?" The woman whose life I just saved demanded, I understand her confusion and I have no idea how to play this out.

"Uh, I-I am Dr Collins, you were severely injured in your fight, but we used the latest in technology to heal you back to health." I stand unsteadily back on my feet and try to lie through my exhaustion.

"You're lying." Now that wiped away my smile.

"Excuse me?" The fake smile returns, but this time I am on edge since I just made this already strong and amazing fighter up to her best health.

"I was dying- no I did die I felt it, so I'll ask again, what the hell is going on?!" She gets off the operating table and wraps a sheet that is a little transparent around her unclothed body.

"I-I" I clear my throat and scratch my cheek, basically doing anything I can to look occupied while I think of what I am going to say.

"Look, I saved your life, isn't that what matters?" That is the best I could come up with.

Before she can question me I walk away to tell people she is alive and that I stitched her up, I'm just hoping she doesn't go showing off her perfectly unbroken skin.

"Dr Albir, Miss Romanoff is alive and responsive."

"W-what how is that possible."

"Well once you all left her heart restarted, must have been the defibrillator, anyway I fixed the lacerations to the lung and patched her up, she seems to be doing fine, can you send some nurses in to take her to her room?" Dr Albir was so happy she didn't help kill an avenger she barely questioned it.

I had to go tell Greta the great news that all the Avengers are alive and well she was so happy she is going to talk to the director about getting me a raise since I helped save 3 of them and revived another.

After she ran off I went to go see spider boy, wanted to tell him the good news that all his team was alive and that I have to make it out to be that one of them that has recently had a traumatic experience had gone a little out of her head thinking she magically came back to life.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Spiderman looks much more relaxed now that Dr Banner is with him, he is probably an expert at relaxation.

"Hey, Dr Collins! This is Bruce- wait how is Natasha?" His relaxation disappeared within seconds of my entering.

"She is fine, healthy as can be." The two sigh in relief at the news. Dr Banner signals me to walk to the corner of the room while the spider is distracted on his phone, most likely telling the others she's safe.

"What happened I heard she flatlined?" He whispers to me, I don't know why though I heard the spider has super hearing or something.

"We got her back, that's all that matters." I vaguely answer, which seems to be enough for him.

We walk back to the masked patient and I finally get to sit down after a very long day, my feet have been killing me and I need to call Madison, she probably slept at my place since she didn't know if I would be back in the morning to feed the pets.

Since I'm too tired to get up to talk to Maddy I'll just text, she's probably sleeping anyway.

Just informed her of the events of tonight, minus how I revived an avenger with my secret death revers powers.

"I am going to go check on Steve and Tony, be right back." Doctor Banner says then has to practically wrestle Spiderman to stay in bed and not follow him to his friends.

We just sit there in comfortable silence, we are both tired and have had a long day.

"So, how did you become a doctor?" It's sweet he's trying to be nice and polite even though he is exhausted and probably hates that mask he's been forced to stay in for hours.

"I want to help people, and I have the ability to." I smile at my hidden little joke.

"Why did you become a superhero, sorry but you seem kind of young?" I'm trying to ask my questions delicately, he's probably scared I will blab about what he looks like.

"Like you, I have the ability to help people, it's like you save the people we can't." I can tell he's smiling under the mask.

"Actually you also look kind of young- if you don't mind me saying." He hurriedly adds the last part probably afraid to offend me, which I don't know why since saying you look young is probably the best compliment for an adult.

Honestly, the only reason people would believe the fake ages I give them is since they've known me all those years to prove it.

"I got into medicine when I was a kid, my parents were doctors so I grew up with it and I finished school early to go to college so I'm actually 24" That's the story I have invented for Andrea Collins, I stopped ageing at a good age because I look both young and like I have experience, so if I was bored and alone I could try getting adopted by saying I'm 16 or something and get a family to love me for however many years we have together. That has happened a lot of times, I have had good families and I sent the bad families to prison.

"So you were pushed into being a doctor?"

"No, I loved watching them save people, the best part is when the victim's family tells you how grateful they are to you, it makes up for all the loses you experience with the job, so I guess our jobs are very similar."

We continue to talk about stupid little things such as likes, hates, and weirdest experience ever on the job: mine was having two friends who both wanted to ask me on a date so they repeatedly injured themselves to see me and when the other found out they were doing they fought but eventually they got together, whilst his was catching a super soldiers metal arm.

"Ok it's 4 am you should probably get home, I am sorry for keeping you here for so long."

"Don't worry about it little spider I had fun, plus needed to rest for a while before summoning the energy to go home." I say while getting to my feet.

"Will you be here tomorrow?"

"Well this is my job, so yes. I will visit you when I come in and before I leave, now get some sleep."

I start to exit when I hear, "Peter!"

"Huh?" I turn to him and he has taken his mask off, this time voluntarily.

"My name, i-it's Peter." He looks like he's turned shy after shouting out his name.

"Andrea." I smile before waving him goodnight.

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