Chapter 32 - Pietro

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Madison POV

Once Andy has gotten out of the shower I hand her a towel to dry herself and grab the brush to try to fix her hair now that it's wet.

I don't know why she's against me talking to Natasha, but if she's this desperate for me to not see her then I won't.

Andy always has good reason behind her actions so sometimes I just have to trust her confusing decisions.

"Anything else interesting happen this week?" I sit on Andy's bed while she puts her hair in a braid to get it out of her face.

"So uh, I think I might have a little crush on someone." That made her face me with a surprised look, I never had a crush on anyone before so it was clear to both of us this is big.

"What, who?!" She stops drying her body and drops the towel to give me her full attention. "Is it Peter? He's close to your age and he's sweet."

"No not him." I haven't actually spoken to Peter that much, I don't know if he's comfortable with me knowing his identity so I just stay away in case he's mad and webs me to the ceiling fan or something.

"Do I know them? Or is it someone you met at the dog park?" Andy puts a dressing gown on and sits next to me on the bed, it's easy to tell I'm nervous.

"It's Wanda." We haven't talked about my sexuality, I don't think she knows I like girls and there is a small irrational part of me that's afraid of how she'll react.

"That's wonderful, I only talked to her a few times but she seems like a nice girl. Do you think she likes you?" Both of us are smiling like maniacs, her because I finally like someone and me because she didn't even look shocked about my revelation.

I knew she would be accepting.

"Well I think she might like me too, when we were cooking together and she was showing me how to properly whisk the eggs her hands were on mine and she was blushing." The memory makes me happy, she looked so adorable with that shy look on her face.

"Alright, I want to confirm it, let's go." She hauls me out of the bed before I can even question what she's talking about.

But when I see us heading towards the kitchen where Wanda is eating some grapes I start to understand what she wants.

"Andy, no." She ignores my rather pathetic attempt at fighting her and continues to drag me till we are in Wanda's view.

"Hello Andrea, it's nice to see you again." She says politely.

"Hey Wanda, I just wanted to check your head and make sure it's healed," Wanda nodded and put her snack down to come over to us, "as you see I am not dressed so I am going to ask Maddy to do it and she'll get back to me. Are you alright with that?"

"Yes," Wanda replies with a small smile

"No!" If I do this I will probably pass out, I make it a mission to not look at her too long because if I do I won't be able to take my eyes off her ever again.

"Great! Maddy just look into her eyes to see if there's anything wrong." Andy ignores me and walks away, but I think she is hiding around the corner watching us.

I will get my revenge on her for this.

"So uh- I'm just going to check your pupils." I'm so awkward.

She laughs a little and walks closer towards me, allowing me to look deeper into her eyes.

"Are you ok? You look a little flustered. Would you like some water?" My throat is suddenly very dry so I nod and she walks over to the sink with a glass.

"Um your eyes are very pretty- I mean they look fine. They-they're responsive I mean." I will die from embarrassment.

"Thank you, you have pretty eyes too." Out of the corner of my eye, Andy's face is peaking out from behind the wall and she gives me a thumbs up before walking away for real this time.

She's so dead.

When Wanda hands me the water I see a blue and red woven bracelet on her wrist and it looks old and worn out but still cute.

"That's beautiful." I'm just trying to steer the conversation somewhere else where I won't swoon from her saying I have pretty eyes.

"Oh uh, thanks." She looks uncomfortable, did I say something?

She backs away from me slightly and I become disappointed. "I'm sorry."

"No it's not you it's just," she takes a moment to think about what to say next. "My brother made me this."

I'm guessing by the sad look on her face he isn't on vacation chilling in the Bahamas.

We stay silent for a few minutes and she grabs the grapes again, offering me one.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I expected her to say no, so it was a nice surprise when she nodded her head.

"He was... my everything. He protected me, he saved me, he cared about people and protected them. He died protecting them." A single tear falls down her face.

"His name was Pietro, but liked when people who didn't personally know him called him Quicksilver. I thought the superhero name sounded stupid, but he wouldn't let it go."

I decide to stay silent while she talks, she deserves someone to vent to, she probably hasn't talked about him in a long time.

"He had the power to run faster than lightning, but because he relies on his powers so much he rarely uses his head. That got him killed."

"We met the Avengers a year ago, but we were on the wrong side. It was a horrible mistake, but we didn't know any better." The tears are just freefalling now and I rub her arm to try to comfort her.

"The bullets were faster than he thought, but he saved a child and Clint's life." Wanda's hand was kept on the bracelet.

"I noticed you and Clint are close, is that why?" I ask slowly so she knows she doesn't have to answer.

"He decided that since my protector wasn't here anymore, that he would take my brother's place." She smiled through the tears and wrapped her arms around me, I took that as a sign that she wanted to stop talking about this so I just held her.

Crap, I'm falling for her.

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