Chapter 22 - Negotiations

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Andrea POV


This is actually happening.

I am currently in the limo being driven by Happy (who doesn't look very happy) to the Avengers tower to negotiate the terms of my new fucking job.

They finished the floor that they are converting into Angels hospital, and I have to go there every day.

Well maybe, I'm hoping they'll settle so I don't have to go at all, ever.

I have very weird relationships with them all:

I like Peter, he's nice.

Tony Stark, who is like his father, I want to punch multiple times.

Bucky is my husband who thinks I died an excruciating death (though it did hurt like a bitch).

Steve was a man who was like a brother to me 100 years ago.

Wanda is a nice girl, I have nothing against her.

Natasha is stalking me and trying to expose my powers to the world.

Bruce is a man who turns dangerous when angry, and I piss people off rather easily.

Loki knows something, I don't know what but it can't be good.

Thor is cute and nice but kept staring at me with his brother, so he may also know something.

Clint is fun, but he will believe his best friend if she says something about what she saw the night she died.

So I'm screwed if I have to see these people every day.

"We're here." Happy announces and I get out of the unnecessarily long car to see the huge building.

As I enter the lobby, I see Pepper standing, probably waiting to take me to my doom, aka a room containing Tony Stark and his army of lawyers.

"Dr Collins, are you ready?" She greets me with a handshake and starts walking towards the lift.

"Nope." We step in and the box takes us up many floors till we reach one with a long hallway and dozens of doors.

I follow Pepper into one of those doors and inside are all the Avengers, the pirate, and men and women in suits, I'm guessing they're the lawyers.

"Good morning Dr Collins." Steve welcomes, but I'm not paying attention to him, James is sitting next to him and not paying attention to us, and I think he's manipulating the light with his metal arm to reflect the sun in Sam's eyes, who is sitting across from him.

Stark is standing at the end of the long table, looking determined to win.

Well, so am I.

"Morning. Right lets do this quickly, I have a patient who needs a lung transplant in a few hours." I sit across from Tony at the end of the table while his wife sits next to me.

"Perfect, we want you to move in, bring your sister and animals then you can get all the money you could desire. Sign here." Stark points to the bottom of the contract while a lawyer slides it to me.

I barely glance at it before looking disgusted.

"Here's my contract, I continue to work at the hospital and when you get a boo boo you come to me, but you will wait if I'm in surgery or with a patient or if it's my day off. Sign here." I put on an overly sweet smile.

"You live here and you will get anything you want. Sign here." Stark suggests.

"What I want is for you to go screw yourself. Sign here." I respond.

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